Friday, December 28, 2012

Our Baby Girl!

Last pregnant photo before being induced

First moments with Emalai

Big sister again!

Everyone is happy except Luka who wanted a brother 

Emalai has lots of dark brown hair

We are excited to introduce you to the newest member of our family, Emalai Carolynn Shaarda.  Emalai (pronounced ay-ma-lie) is Ateso for "Thanks to God."  She was born Thursday afternoon at 3:47 (after an hour and 47 minutes of labor).  Emalai weighs 9 pounds and is 20 1/2 inches long. 
As her name indicates, we thank God for blessing us with another beautiful daughter.  (Although Luka is not impressed :) He wanted a brother.)

Attached are some picture.  There will be more pictures and details to come.  Thank you for praying with us!

Here is our email from Tuesday in case you want to know what happened.

Merry Christmas everyone!  Hope you enjoyed celebrating Jesus birthday as much as we did.  

Many of you have been wondering if we have a new baby yet...not yet, but soon!  We are due Sunday but we went in today because the baby's movement has lessened in the last few days and over the last week I have grown more and more ichy (was up two hours last night going crazy).  The doctor had me on a monitor to make sure the baby wasn't under stress and thankfully it was moving and the heartbeat was good.  I had several contractions while hooked up too.  The doctor was however concerned about my whole body iching with no rash.  There is a rare liver problem in pregnancy that can do this (waste isn't all taken care of in the liver and goes into the skin causing iching).  He orded blood work but the test will not come back for a week.  The other blood work showed the liver was ok but just means this complication isn't in dangering me and the baby yet.  If it was we would immediatly be induced because it can cause a still born baby.  So, the doctor still wants the baby out with this condition as a possiblity and seeing we are days from our due date and dialated to a 4.  

We are very thankful the baby is ok and that if I have this liver complication the doctor is inducing us.  So tomorrow morning we will have our baby!  It is really strange to know that we will be holding our baby tomorrow.  Mixed emotions I guess.  Excited, ready, tired, sore, thinking about details and our other kids...  Our trust is in the Lord.  He is with us.  Please pray for us as we deliver our baby.

We will be in touch!  For the first time it is really snowing here so hopefully the roads will be ok.  I posted some of our Christmas pictures on the blog for you to enjoy.  Thanks for your prayers,


  1. Congratulations, Shaarda family!

  2. Hi Shaarda family. Congratulations on your new baby girl. I met you when you visited us at Cadillac CRC. Blessings to all 6 of you in the new year.
    Kristen Tonello
