Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Moving to the village!

June 5, 2013

We are so excited – we are moving to Obulle!  Many of you know we have been praying for about a year now weather we should move to the village where we serve, God has confirmed and given us the peace to move.  We love our friends in Obulle and see God is working there, but moving there is a big decision because it means no electricity and no water just to name a couple changes.  We did not want to say no because of a possible harder life if God was saying yes this is the plan I have for you.  God kept the idea on our hearts so we kept moving forward.  It seemed so complicated to be able to live in the village though.  Do we buy land?  Build?  How do we do all that?  How long will this all take?  I might back out if it takes too long!  So easily I could look around my nice, comfortable house and think it would be better to just stay.  Fears and worry creep in.  But every time we were in Obulle we knew we were suppose to be there.  There is one “permanent house” we knew of in Obulle (a somewhat modern house – walls, metal roof, yard…not a hut).  We looked at it once and were in shock I think.  It was more of a barn than a house inside.  But after a few months I asked Josh again about renting the house.  It just seemed to be the easiest way to live out there.  We looked at how we could change the house and what the landlord would have to agree to (like finding another home for his 37 turkeys and all his relatives).  Josh met with the landlord Saturday and he was more than happy to work it out (the turkey’s and relatives could live at one of this other 4 homes J) and let us rent the house.  Praise God! 

Our whole family is excited and that is a confirmation from God too.  I am so thankful the kids look forward to moving.  The renovations will begin in September when Josh’s Uncle Larry and Aunt Susan come to help.  Larry has done building projects in Africa before and they have been waiting for a reason to come and help us (thank you God because we would be STRESSED building here and it would consume Josh’s time and take away from ministry).  They are able to come for three months so hopefully by the new year we will be living in our home in Obulle.

We went to see the house again yesterday with other missionary friends.  I was so surprised how much I loved it.  It looked less like a barn and bigger than I remembered.  We are going to be able to make a wonderful home there.  Thank you God!  Looking at all the ideas is exciting.  I can’t wait to get started.  We told a few of our friends in Obulle and they so glad we want to come live with them.  One of our teammates prayed the people of Obulle will see our moving there as Jesus love.  As Jesus came from heaven to earth to be among us, so we are Christ’s love among those in Obulle.  Thanks for praying with us everyone!!!  God has led us and provided a home in Obulle.

The other joy we are experiencing is our three teenagers from Lake City.  They arrived last Friday to Soroti and already I know we will greatly miss them when they have to leave.  (Maybe we should add on three bedroom to that house in Obulle?)  Autumn, Zephie, and Jimmy are so helpful, polite and fun.  Every day we get to know each other better.  At times they are quiet and overwhelmed with all they are taking in.  But they are getting a good taste of life on the mission field.  The girls have been teaching our kids.  It has been going so well – Yeah!  Jimmy has been going with Josh to the village, farming, praying with people…  He said he saw Jesus at work before his eyes as Josh prayed with a man here.  Jimmy met a boy here who has no father and mother left him.  It was touching for him to be able to relate to how this boy feels.  Jimmy can relate to so many children here.  I love the faith I have already seen in the teens.  They haven’t been Christians long but they love the Lord.  The other day Jimmy told me they are going to study I Peter together at night if Josh and I want to join them.  What teens do that?!  Praise the Lord they do! 

Although we are really busy right now with three extras in our home, proceeding with moving, ministry, and a whole bunch of team stuff, I am thankful.  God is here with us.  He is our strength in our tiredness.  He is faithful and true. 

Be praying for our team.  Wish I could say more but I know you will lift us up to our Father and He is all we need.

First local food experience for our teens

School with Zephie

PE with Autumn
Our home in Obulle!

Gracie playing with Emalai - she put her doll glasses on her.  :) 

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