Friday, September 20, 2013

52 Days...

Our family read the story in the Bible about when they rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem in 52 days.  Lydia said wouldn't it be cool if our house was built in 52 days.  Josh said yes it would!  So that has now become the mark for our house - 52 days.  We are now on day 11 and the walls are going up, the windows are being made (by the welder), and God continues to provide the money we need as it is being spent.  Larry celebrated his 62nd birthday yesterday so we brought pop for everyone and had pork and posho instead of the normal beans and posho.  He even had a Ugandan round of Happy Birthday sung to him.  I will hopefully journal this weekend and fill you in on more happenings around here.  

Thanks for sharing in our excitement and praying for us!

Larry and Joseph one of the masons and friend from church

Birthday meal - posho and pork

Using cement bags to make "socks"

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