Tuesday, February 11, 2014


February 9, 2014

Hi, just wanted to write and let you know how we are doing.

First of all Grace is doing well.  She still seems to have little stomach aches but thankfully no painful ones.  Thanks again for praying.  I was so touched by the prayers and love of our church in Obulle.  When we returned some of them came to see us.  After telling them what all happened we sang a song of praise to God and thanked Him in prayer.  I am blessed by our friends in Obulle.  They minister to me and I am touched by their love for us.

I just can’t say it enough because I am so amazed how much we love living in the village!  God truly wants us here.  Our family is happy here.  We love our home – perfect for us.  It is so peaceful here.  I enjoy knowing our neighbors and doing life with them.  Lydia and Grace are learning Ateso and doing a great job.  I try to learn with them and just being here has improved my Ateso 400%.  Sarah and I take walks a few days a week and greet people as we go or visit the center where everyone hangs out.  I like that I know people and they know me.  We greet Lucy, our house help, buy rice and passion fruit, and see the ladies from our church selling their produce.  Josh and the kids go on bike rides a lot.  When they enter the center everyone stops and takes a look.  We do stand out here.  I just have to chuckle when we walk home from church with everyone – 20 Ugandans and 6 white people out on dusty village road.  Amazing what has become normal to us.  My favorite time of day is from 5-7pm.  It is cooler, the colors are beautiful and we often get an amazing African sunset.  We are usually all outside playing or visiting.  I also enjoy the stars at night.  You look up and you would think you are in a planetarium.  Oh God is awesome. 

Our kids are doing great.  Luka still enjoys playing with Gideon.  Yesterday they played church on the porch.  It was just the two of them with about 12 chairs set up and a few stuffed animals.  The boys even got dress up clothes on.  I just loved hearing them sing and call each other pastor Luka and pastor Gideon.  Luka’s prayers are great, “God, I like this meal but not so much.  I like this day.  I like my friends.  But I don’t like jiggers…”  I hope I never forget his honest conversations with God.  A few weeks ago we saw a fish tank with a bridge inside and he told Josh he thought that must be the greatest wall in ChinaJ  Malai is only one but becoming quite a toddler.  She walks around this village putting her hand out to greet people.  She opens wide her arms to tell us she wants a hug and opens her mouth to give us a BIG kiss.  You ask her where something is and she puts her hands up to say I don’t know.  She even folds her hands and closes her eyes when we pray.  It is amazing what they pick up on.  She jabbers all the time which we love.  She is even beginning to color.  I think between talking and writing she will be like her sisters.  She also sings, claps, or dances whenever she hears music.  She is cute.  But she is also strong willed at times like when she wants to go outside or wants to be free to go where she wants to.  The other day when she wanted to “pump” the well and I wouldn’t let her she laid in the dirt and cried. 

Between school, Ateso lessons, bike rides, and playing with friends Lydia and Grace are busy. They are really enjoying school with Sarah.  She is a great teacher!  We all love her.  Josh keeps teasing her (with seriousness) about staying and continuing to teach our kids.  We will see what God does.  I love having someone to walk with, we talk all the time about what God is teaching us, and she is SO helpful.  She is defiantly part of our family.  Lydia is really growing up.  She has such a pure heart.  I am so proud of her.  Both Lydia and Grace just fit right in with their friends here.  Our kids are home here and it is awesome to see.

I have been doing Bible study with a young lady named Rhoda.  We are going through the book of Mark and we are both blessed by what God is teaching us.  I really enjoy this kind of discipleship.  She comes to our house so it is do able with Malai around.  Sarah is also doing a Bible study with the youth at church on Saturdays.  Lydia goes too.  It is good to be apart of things and grow relationships.

A couple weeks ago a three 5 year old girls were playing on a tree that was partially cut down and it fell on them.  The huge limb landed on the one girl’s head and she died.  Sad.  Josh and I went to the funeral but the body didn’t come back from the hospital till evening so people literally sat all day waiting.

Josh is now area leader in Uganda for IT.  Pray for him to be empowered by God to do all he is called to do.  He knows God wants him to fill this position right now but it is teaching and discipleship in the village that gets him excited.  He is a godly leader, always seeking the Lord and bringing the team to the Lord, but it can be draining leading people.  We have new teammates on the Soroti town team.  We know God is here with all of us and at work as we follow Him.

I am sure most of you know, but in case some of you don’t please pray for my niece Amara.  Amara was born to Tim and Angie Sliedrecht (my sister and teammates) in January.  One of Amara’s lungs has tumors or is only 1/3 of it works properly.  How scary to see in your new born baby.  As of now Amara will go back to the surgeon in April then it will be decided when surgery will be.  Besides this trauma and having the stress of a new born who can’t breath properly, their one year old daughter has something wrong with her leg and is undergoing tests to see what is causing the pain that is keeping her from walking well.  So pray with us for God’s healing power.  Pray for peace for all of them as they wait on the Lord in MI until they can return to Uganda.

One last think for now, we are preparing for our next home service from April till July.  We are excited to be with our families, share with our supporters, and be renewed.  But I am also a little sad to be leaving our new home and life in the village already.  Oh well, it is just a break and we will be back.  It really is hard having two homes and people you love.  Pray for us as we prepare.  We are working on getting a vehicle and with Sliedrechs home longer than planned one of us needs to find another home to stay in.  I know God always provides.  Thanks everyone.  May God be your blessing today. 

Malai fell asleep under the table!  Guess it is those soft cement floors :) 

1 comment:

  1. Hi dear sis mandy
    real I love what u had made in this country may God bless ur ministry more and more always read ur daily writing this is make me very jealous to finish my study and serve like u with ur family I pray to our lord fill u holy spirit and wisdom to serve him and see the fruits I love u all so much may God bless u and protect u in every where u go or settle down
    ur sis esther
