Monday, June 2, 2014

Baby Annika

I have SO terribly much to write about.  It is all on my heart and will some day soon be in words too.
But for now I want to introduce you to our newest niece, Annika Dawn.  Annika is already very special to all of us because she was born three months early.  Josh's sister Katie and her husband Chad have been through an unexpected whirlwind.  Thursday her water broke at just 28wks of pregnancy.  She was taken to the hospital where they hoped she would stay for 6 weeks before delivering the baby.  But three days later, June 1, Annika was born.  What a lot of emotions!  We were all praying in church yesterday!!!  We are so thankful she is 2lbs13oz and beautiful.  It is simply amazing.  How precious life is.  Seeing her yesterday brought instant tears to my eyes.  She is fully formed, alive, and SO tiny.  If nothing else it has busted me up on the fight for life again.  This is a full, beautiful, precious human at 29wks.  Her little hands and feet were moving, she was sucking, and had the tiniest little cute cry.  It does break your heart however to know she still belongs in her mother.  Like Katie said, "she is only half baked."  Chad and Katie are doing very well for all they are going through, but it is a long road ahead.  Annika is expected to be in the hospital till her due date, August 24 I believe.  (We weren't even suppose to be here to meet her!)  Pray for Annika to be protected and grow well.  Pray she feels the Father's love all around her as He continues to knit her together.  Pray for strength and peace for Chad and Katie.  It is hard to leave your baby and go home empty handed.  Pray for the whole family as we support them and walk this journey with them.

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