Friday, June 13, 2014

Bummed but still Blessed...

Thank you for praying for us as we deal with many health issues in our family.

Mandy had cataract surgery and everything went well.

Emalai ear infections finally cleared up only to get another ear infection a week later.  She will be getting tubes July 14. 

Grace is doing really well!  She was put on medicine for abdominal migraines and since then the pain and nausea are gone.  After three weeks on the medicine, Grace forgot to take it one night and the next day we were back to tears because of the pain and nausea.  No doubt the medicine is working and we will not forget to take it again. 

Josh’s hip surgery is June 18.  The ball of the hip bone is too big and starting to break cartilage.  We were very discouraged after his doctor visit to hear he will be on crutches for 4 to 6 weeks, isn’t allowed to fly for 6 weeks, and can’t handle luggage for 8 to 10 weeks after surgery.  This means we will not be going back to Uganda until August.  We are very disappointed.  We want to go home and do the work God has called us to.  After a weekend to processes this change of plans, we know none of this is a surprise to God and He has a good plan for us in this too.  What peace there is in knowing He is in control and is with us here and still at work in Uganda.  So, God has us in Michigan for now and we are thankful for extra time with family and to rest after all of our speaking engagements. 

The biggest disappointment with the change in plans is that our church, Georgetown CRC, was planning to send their first team to see our work in Obulle the beginning of August.  Now that we won’t be there, they will be postponing until next summer. 

Please pray that Josh’s surgery is successful and recovery goes well.  We are not looking forward to having an injured daddy for a month.  Pray he is completely healed before August 20.   

Pray for the Georgetown team as they deal with the delay in coming.  Tickets were bought, work taken off, shots, schedule…  This too is in God’s hands.  We look forward to their visit even a year later.

Some of you read about Josh’s sister and brother-in-law having a baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy.  Annika is a beautiful little 2lb 9oz baby girl.  She has been doing so well however today it seems she has picked up an infection.  Please continue to pray for Annika and her parents Chad and Katie.  Annika will be in the hospital till her due date, August 24.

We are tired of doctor visits (about 39 in two months), but when I want to complain I remember how blessed we are.  We are getting the care we need, this is temporary, and God is our healer.  I feel more now for everyone who deals with medical issues daily.   We are blessed to know others are praying for us.  I have been touched by your emails, concern and care.  Thank you everyone.     

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