Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sickness Continues

October 21

We are sorry to keep writing but we are so tired and down with all the sickness around here.  Luka is sick for the third time in one week.  He is down on the couch, white, fever, throwing up, congestion, ear pain sometimes... He is such a stinker though and REFUSES to take any medicine.  We are trying to figure out weather to start an antibiotic or what to do.  Pray for Luka to be healed of whatever it is he has.  Malai still has a cold but the fevers have stopped.  We wonder if we should put her on an antibiotic for a sinus infection or ear infection but don't know.  Josh's whole body hurts and he doesn't feel well with a cold and fever too.  My body hurts too, not as bad as Josh's, and just don't feel good.  I fell yesterday and twisted my ankle too.  I could hardly walk this morning but thankfully I could after a while.  

We are a mess.  We'd like to get away but we don't feel well enough to go anywhere.  We'd love to be in Michigan where we could see the doctor and be cared for by Grandparents :).  I think we are just discouraged with everything we have been going through lately.  

Thank you for praying for us!  We are encouraged knowing we are not alone and being lifted up to the Lord.  

Oct. 23 Update

Well we praise God Luka was healed from his sickness and is back to playing.  However, Josh and I both ended up with the flu.  My body hurt so bad even my fingers hurt and I had fevers that left me shaking (cold) then sweating.  It was awful!  This is the first time in two days I am able to sit upright.  Josh was miserable at the same time and we spent all of yesterday and most of today in bed.  How thankful we are for Lydia, Grace and Karlie to help while we were down and out.  It is no fun being sick.  And of all things I had scheduled for our kids to go to a friends house all day today so Josh and I could have an in home date.  We were all so bummed to have to cancel.  Thanks for continuing to pray for us.


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