Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Rest of G&G Shaarda's Trip

We arrived home from bringing Grandpa and Grandma Shaarda to the airport and jumped right into Christmas and all it's fun, so here are the rest of the pictures from their time here - finally.

Our friends had us over for a meal while Dad and Mom were here. 
It was great to share the people we love with them and let them see their lives.


Cutting pork for supper

The joy of sharing normal life with Grandma

And Grandpa

We ending our time together with a fun safari
There are always great up close animals to see

These are the people in front of us to give you an idea how close you can get - awesome!

Crested Cranes


This is how we traveled for hours and hours - and still smiling!

Hard to say goodbye again but we are thankful for a very special time together!

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