Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Surprising Changes

I was once required to memorize Psalm 32:8.  I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.  We are resting in those promises today. 
Our time of serving with International Teams has come to an end.  We praise God for the way He has used us in Uganda over the last eight years.  We are thankful that we have seen lives transformed by His Spirit’s power.  We are thankful for the good people we have been privileged to work with.  We are thankful for each one of you who has prayed for us and partnered with us financially. 
Since our time of service with International Teams is completed, we also want to let you know that no further financial gifts are needed.  Mandy and I still feel called by God to serve in Uganda.  We will let you know when God has shown us “the way we should go” (Ps. 32).  For now, we want to thank you for partnering with us and we want you to celebrate what God has done.

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