Wednesday, April 22, 2015

He Cannot Lie

Hebrews 6:18 It is impossible for God to lie.

Think about it.  God cannot lie.  He is truth.  Everything He has said is true.  His Word and everything He has said about me is truth.  His promises are true.  What He has commanded is truth. 

Do you believe Him?

If we say we believe yet doubt who we are, we are calling God a liar.  God said we are His beloved children, Holy, Saints, forgiven and free in Christ…but when we live defeated – we are not believing God. 

Jesus said it is finished on the cross and He has defeated satan – victory!  We are in Christ and have the same power and victory.  True?

God tells us He is in control – in all, over all, above all – yet we worry and try on our own.  Are we calling God a liar? 

God promises to provide for us, protect us, and be with us.  But we fear and avoid any kind of pain or hardships.  Can’t we trust God?

The Bible tells us that joy and peace are found in Jesus and yet we trust in money and things for happiness.  We have called God a liar.

God has told us His desire for marriage, the call of a husband to love selflessly, and the role of a wife to respect her husband.  But we have chosen not to believe God’s plan and have believed the world’s lies.  We have chosen suffering instead of blessings.

God commanded us to forgive then He will forgive us.  Are we obeying?

Jesus told us to love others above ourselves, to be last, selfless, deny ourselves and follow Him.  But our world tells us an opposite message.  Who will we believe and follow?

As God’s chosen people we are called to go and share the good news with all nations.  Have we, are we?  Or is God a liar?

Jesus says He is coming back to judge and to take us home.  Are we getting ready?

God cannot lie.

So, do you believe Him?  He has told us truth in His Word.  We have a choice to trust Him or call Him a liar.

May we choose to believe God and all He said is true.  If we do we will be changed, empowered, find peace, joy, assurance, strength, freedom…because His Word is life! 

Let God speak truth to you today…and may you live in obedience that comes from believing.

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