Sunday, May 17, 2015

There is a Party in Heaven today!

Thank you for praying with us for Achia's family.  Today at church her father and mother, Opio and Regina, gave their lives to Christ!  Just think, though Achia's needs her parents were saved.  Every life has a purpose that brings God glory! 
I know accepting Jesus is not the end of the story.  These new believers need our prayers and they need discipleship.  Pray that our church comes alongside them to teach and love them.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to draw them close to the Lord.  Pray that new life in Christ brings fruits of the Spirit in themselves, their marriage, their parenting and their home.  

I get excited thinking about what God may be doing.  Here we have a family from Karamoja, an unreached area, who came to know Jesus through their daughter's needs.  Now they are part of our church and I pray will grow in our church.  Then some day God will take them back to Karamoja to share Christ.  Who knows what God's plan is in all this, but I do know it is good!

May we keep praying, keep sharing, and keep loving until all come to know Jesus -- cause that is His will!

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