Saturday, July 11, 2015

Rondo Retreat

We had the joy of meeting our Freedom in Christ Africa director and his wife, Howard and Aileen, for a five day retreat in the rain forest in Kenya.  We stayed at Rondo Retreat Center and were blessed by the service and beauty.  We enjoyed walks in the rain forest, relaxing and teatimes, encouragement and fellowship with Howard and Aileen, and fun with our children.  

The rain forest was different than I expected but amazing.  It was even a taste of MI being in the woods and cooler temperatures.  The trees were huge and so tall to get to the light I suppose.  There was tons of moss going on everything, it was damp, very green, and thick.

It was so much fun to find interesting thing with our kids and simple thank God for His creative handy work.  Kids are great at slow us down so we stop and enjoy the smallest wonders.

Rondo had beautiful gardens that just made us "stop and smell the roses."  We truly rested.

Josh loved this TALL tree

Our "home" at Rondo.  We loved it!  It was old, yet beautifully kept.  I felt like I was in the South with our big porch and the hospitality we received.  There was even a fireplace to sit by each night (and yet it was even cool enough)!  

We were spoiled!  Three meals a day and supper was 3 course candle light meal.

I know this picture is blurry but I wanted you so see what the inside of one of the homes looked like.  We played lots of games together too.

Everyday at 4pm we enjoyed tea and cake on our porch.  We also had wonderful talks with Howard and Aileen.  They are a great source of wisdom and support to us!

We enjoyed seeing monkeys in the rain forest.  This is a Colobus monkey.

Just cool :)

We are thankful God has used our time in Rondo as a part of His healing and restoring us.  While I was there I read 1 Peter 5:10-11, "God Himself will resore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."  What a wonderful, personal promise from our Father!  I see how He has provided and is with us.  I am thankful we get to be apart of Freedom in Christ and serve under Howard and Aileen.  I was able to pray with them while we were at Rondo using the 7 steps to freedom.  I love that God has and is working in me.  His way is right and good!  Praise God for His rest and the joy He gives us through His creation and His people.

Ok, I need to add a side note.  You have to know that almost everything about vacationing in Africa is difficult.  Thankfully we kinda know how things work and can make the most out of most things but it is never easy or relaxing.  Travel is an adventure here, not the good kind.  Roads are not always good, there aren't signs or good markers, and it takes ALONG time to get anywhere.  Going to Kenya we were actually thankful we live in Uganda and could see better the blessings we do have in Uganda and that it has become home, familial.  The border was just plain yuck!  Uganda had a new building and it was peaceful and easy.  We were so thankful.  Then we did the Kenya side and their new building was still in the making.  There was chaos everywhere.  People everywhere (not checking in or out either), trucks crammed in every inch available (they literally wait for a day or two in line to cross), and nothing about it was nice.  The only way we knew what to do and where to go and who to trust was by hiring a guy who walks you through the process -- for a price which is worth it!  To top off the chaos there was a man there who looked normal, but we learned was "mad", who did not like us, called us fake Africans, and told us he put a bomb under our van.  Ok, I am pretty sure they should not have that guy hanging around the border.  We needless to say kept the kids right by our sides or locked in the van with me while Josh did paperwork.  If we were new or tourist we would have not been ok with all that happened.

So, thankfully Rondo was truly rest and great because the trip is not.  On our way home Malai threw up three times and I was sick with a sinus infection or something.  I am so glad our kids don't complain though and make the most out of all situations.  We were all grateful to be home after our week away.

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