Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Blessings of Obedience

In school Lydia and Grace and I are going through the Old Testament (Testament means promise or covenant doesn’t that give it more meaning) using Positive Action curriculum, “Possessing the Promise Land”.  I get so excited each day by the truth we learn.  God’s word is awesome!  God’s will for us is so clear.  He desires to bless us.  All He asks of us is our obedience.  Obedience is the key to the blessings of God.  
Israel wanted their own way again and again and did not simply obey God.  (Sound like us?)  And because of it they missed out on all the blessings God wanted for them to have.  (Are we?)  Because of their disobedience, they were punished and not allowed to enter the promise land (blessings God had for them) and wander 40 years in the desert.   Deuteronomy 4:31 describes God as merciful and because of His mercy He did not abandon, destroy or forget His covenant with Israel.  God is patient while we learn but His desire is for us to hear, learn, and follow His Word (Deut. 5:1).

Deuteronomy 6 is a great chapter on God’s desire for each one of us;
-         Fear the Lord
-         Keep all of His commands
-         Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and strength
-         Impress God’s words on your children
-         Fill your home and lives with God
-         Don’t forget the Lord when things are good (when you are satified)
-         Do what is right

Obedience is for our good.  Obedience to rules and authority is for our own good.  If we would just receive that God always wants the very best for us, obeying would be a joy.  Obeying God will allow Him to give us all the blessings He offers to give us.  

In Deut. 8:2 God reminds the people why they had to wander in the desert – to humble them, test them, and know whether they intended to obey God or not.  Ever wonder why you are going through a hard time, a desert?  Sometimes it is God humbling, testing to see whether we are going to obey Him or not.  Do we trust God and believe Him?  There have been tests in my life this year, in my family in Michigan too.  God is seeing if we will obey Him.

God desired to bless Israel but they missed His blessing, why?  Deut. 9:24 says it was because of their rebellion.  Rebellion is the opposite of obedience.  Rebellion (sin) brings defeat.

God promises us many blessings and they are reasons to obey the Lord your God.
Deut. 20:4- The Lord will go with us and fight against our enemies to give us victory.
Deut. 28:8- The Lord will bless our barns and bless everything we put our hand to.
Deut. 31:6- The Lord will go with us, He will never leave us or forsake us.
Deut. 26:19- You will be a people holy to the Lord your God.

Before I get accused of prosperity gospel, let me remind you of my blog of suffering.  I do not love and obey God to get the blessings, but I love and obey Him out of thanksgiving, honor, and trust.  I know that living for Him doesn’t mean a perfect life.  We will suffer.  But God does promise me many things that I can hold onto as His child.

God’s Word is truth to live by!

(Most taken from Possessing the Land lesson 13)    

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