Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Another Loss

I have SO much to share with all of you, but it will have to wait a little while.  For now I wanted to let you know that my Grandpa Beute died Sunday at the age of 96.  

Last week we were in Colorado (more on that to come) and my mom called to tell us Grandpa was put into hospice care.  He was sleeping more and more and beginning not to wake up at all.  Saturday night and were hoping to see Grandpa Sunday after church.  However, when we got to church (just happened to be the church my Beute grandparents went to all their lives) the pastor told Josh since they would be announcing it at church.  It was an emotional service for me.

I am thankful Grandpa is with Jesus, he died peacefully in his sleep, and we are here for this goodbye too.  We sang "Open my eyes Lord, I want to see Jesus.  To reach out and touch Him and say that I love Him." Sunday at church and I just pictured Grandpa doing just that.  What a beautiful picture.  When we shared for our mission report Josh shared how when he began teaching the pastors could not say how someone could be saved.  As he was speaking I really felt that this is for Christians here too and that Grandpa's life is a testimony to this.  So I shared honestly.  For years and years Grandpa struggles with assurance of salvation but a few years ago we had the privilege for sharing with Grandpa and hearing him say he has assurance.  We can't understand God's grace but it is great.  It is not about what we have done but what God has done for us!

So tomorrow we will again have visitation for another beloved Grandpa.  Wednesday we will cry as we say a final goodbye until that glorious day.  Pray for my family especially my parents who have now each lost their father's in one month.  And pray for our children who have experienced a lot of death lately.  Pray for peace instead of fear.  

Thanks everyone.

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