Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Preparing to Leave for Uganda Once Again

            We are preparing to go back to Uganda.  We all have mixed emotions.  We are choosing not to get stressed in our last couple weeks.  It is quite overwhelming to know every we have to go through everything.  There are tree chooses; get rid of it, store it, or pack it.  Then preparing to say yet another hard goodbye to those we love and a place we love.  It breaks my heart to hear Luka say, “I don’t want to leave my Grandpa’s.” 
            If only we could fast forward a month and just be settled back into life in Obulle.  We are looking forward to being back home and to the ministry there, but the transition time is difficult.  We will go from snow to dry season heat and literally go up 100 degrees in temperature.
            Once we get through the adjustment we will once again find our routine.  Mandy will resume home schooling the kids, Josh will continue with training church leaders, writing materials, and discipling.  We will once again be involved in village life, church activities and greeting our neighbors.

Pray Requests and Praise:
·       Praise God for a renewing home service in Michigan and for the encouragement and support we received.
·       Pray for wisdom and strength as we sort and pack.
·       Pray for peace as we prepare to go back to Uganda, say goodbye, and travel.
·       Pray for safety and good health.
·       Pray for us as we transition back to life and ministry back in Obulle.
·       Praise God for His faithful presence, His leading, His protection, and promises!

So Send I You
To ants in the sugar bowl
To things that fly, creep and crawl in the house
To uncertain water, sporadic electricity
To long hours, sweltering heat, exhausting days
To uncomfortable vehicles, crowded jeeps, smelly buses
To early, early mornings
To rice, rice and more rice
To poverty you didn’t believe existed
To masses of people you have never seen
To know and work with people who have never known God
To study, to teach, to learn from your study and teaching
To prove your own motives, values and beliefs
To learn about yourself and the culture that has scared you
To know God and to understand more deeply dependence on Him
So send I you

Will you go?  God goes with you all the way.

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