Saturday, February 13, 2016

Down Right Sicking!

We do not have internet at home yet, but I was able to finally run into town and use a friend's.  We arrived in Obulle Friday to a wonderful welcoming from our friends and neighbors (more on that another time), but since then sickness has invaded our family.  Luka started it and yesterday all four kids were sick!  By evening Josh was added to the numbers.  I was the only one well.  They all have had over a 102 degree fevers, vomiting, and coughs and colds.  I felt so bad looking at my family laying all over the house sick.  If being sick isn't enough it is 95 degrees inside our house.  It has been a rough and discouraging few days. We are thankful we know it is just the flu and nothing more serious.  Pray for healing and health.  We feel lonely but remember your prayers often.

Better get back to caring for the family.  Thanks everyone!

Update Saturday Feb. 12
Thank you all for praying for us!  We certainly have needed it.  We have been in Obulle a week now and every single one of us has been sick.  Luka was sick for five days, Josh has walking pneumonia, and many of us still have colds and are slowly gaining strength.  Honestly, we are very down.  It was been an extremely lonely week and we are fighting feeling of not wanting to be here.  Our internet is still not working so we feel very out of touch.  It is hard to adjust when everyone is sick especially when Mom is sick.  Please continue to pray for us as we heal and pray for encouragement to continue on.

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