Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Celebrating Jesus' Life, Death & Resurrection

Our Easter was definitely different than most of yours, but we had a meaningful week remembering and celebrating Jesus' death and resurrection.  For school the kids and I talked about Passion week and were able to have it come alive as we learned.  Friday we had a small service with our church.  Saturday we had friends over for a potluck and worship.  And Sunday we thanked Jesus with singing, drama, dance, and a celebration meal.  
As we talked about Jesus example in washing His disciples feet we also served one another.

We saw how Jesus washed away all our sins by writing our sins on a white cloth then watching it become clean as we washed the writing away.

We remembered the Last Supper

Easter potluck and worship with friends

Easter was a big day.  We were at church from 8:30am to 4pm.  Everyone helped clean up, prepare, and serve.  Emalai and the girls swept the compound.

Bringing water for cooking, washing and drinking.

Cutting the meat

Sorting the rice

We were able to help the kids do a drama on Jesus.  They did a great job and we had a good time preparing for it.

Lydia, Grace and I dancing to "At the Cross"
There were many choirs for Easter.  Lydia and Grace joined their friends in one.


Buffet style

Lydia and Grace helped open sodas for everyone (the drink of celebration)

Washing hands before eating

Let the feast begin!