Friday, April 8, 2016

Admired - Then & Now

For devotions in school we talked about people who are admires, even idolized, in the world today.  Too often the people who are talked about and looked up to are super stars.  However, the real heroes are those who give us Godly examples.  We talked about admiring people who sacrifice, give, teach, love, serve, the name of Jesus.  So we decided to make "baseball style cards" of our heroes.  On the front we drew a person or people we admire and on the back we wrote why.  I am thankful we have people to admire who point us to Christ!

Luka drew: Mrs. Bosch his teacher at HCS for teaching him, Pastor Jack from G-town CRC for sharing the Bible with him, and his family for loving him.
Grace drew: Karlie her teacher last year who forgave her many times, Jesus for dying for us, and Lottie Moon a missionary who gave her all.
Lydia drew: David Livingstone, Mary Slessor, and Brian Hogan all missionaries.
Teacher Mom drew: missionaries Sundar Singh, Jacob DeSharzer, and Amy Carmichael. 

I wrote about 3 missionaries I read about in the Christian Heroes, Then & Now series.  I have to tell you how awesome these books are.  I am not much of a reader and I am not a very good reader (dyslexic), but these books captivate me!  They are written at about a middle school reading level but are very well written and inspiring.  Two of my very favorites, and Josh and Lydia's, are Sundar Singh and Jacob DeShazer.  I cannot tell you how humbled I was by these two men.  They suffered greatly, knew the Lord, and sacrificed to share Him.  I didn't want to put the books down (I ignored Josh every night for about a week!) and I was sad when the books were done.  I have learned so much from their testimonies.  Evil is shocking and was awful then and now and God's amazing grace and unthinkable love in forgiveness is His signature.  God can, has, and is doing the impossible all around the world!  I really encourage you to read these inspiring books of faith.  Read them for yourself, with your kids and share them.

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