Saturday, April 30, 2016

Great Times Together

We are so grateful Ike and Carolyn Koetje came to visit us.
They have been faithful partners and share our love for Hudsonville and Mc Bain MI.
We spent a very special week together and were able to share our home, lives, ministry and friends with them.
May God continue to bless you, lead you, and use you Koetjes.
You were an encouragement to us and the church here.  May you share all God showed you with the church in MI.

Josh's Freedom in Christ training in Pingere.
There were 11 churches and 5 denominations present.
 The testimonies of these leaders encouraged and empowered us to keep teaching God's truth.

Luka loved having a grandpa around.  He pretended to be an oxen for Ike to plow with.

We did a lot of visiting neighbors and friends.

Obulle Center

Pastor Joseph

They were very good sports about all the local food they were fed as honored guests.
At the end of their trip we all went on safari!
How fun for the two hunters and outdoors men, Josh and Ike, to be on satari.

Just beautiful!

My African tree

Monitor Lizard

Baby elephant and her mommy

We drove for HOURS on safari and no lions.
We really thought we wouldn't see any.
 Then on our way out of the game park the last night we drove up to a female lion right alongside the road!
It was awesome!  We were so close Josh told us to shut our windows.
What a blessing God gave us to see a lion so close.


Then God painted the sky with an amazing sunset!
(I have more pictures of the sunset than the lion!)

Picture perfect end to our time together.

And out the other side of the van was a full moon.
What a creative God we worship!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! Beautiful photos ...looks like you all had a good time shared together!
