Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Baby Faith

Pastor Martin Egangu has taken all of Josh's courses and has been our friend for years.  He and his wife, Immaculate, live down the road from us in Obulle.  When we arrived back in February we learned they had their 11th child, Faith.  When Josh went to visit them they showed him their new born daughter's feet which were misshaped.  Josh was able to take them to one of the local hospitals to see if anything could be done for Faith.  That day when I saw Faith I knew it wasn't just her feet that had a problem.  Faith was very small, a little lifeless, and her eyes looked to me like she may have other disabilities.

The doctor had the same concerns and right away ordered an ultra sound to look at the heart.  Faith was diagnosed with Edwards Syndrome.  She has two holes in her heart and only a small percentage live beyond one year old.  The news was shocking to the parents and very sad for all of us.  Martin and his wife are older and with no birth control used here high risk pregnancies are the result.

Today Josh went with the parents to a near by town to an Orthopedic Hospital where Faith was fitted with casts.  She will go back to the hospital each week for five weeks to recast in hopes to fixed the club feet.  At the end she will have a minor surgery and then be fitted with shoes to help her.

After they finish working on her feet, Faith will go to the only hospital in Uganda what can maybe work on her heart.  The hospital is over 6 hours away and is known for being over crowded and not very nice.  It is so hard to know what to do!   Will it help?  Will Faith make it through a surgery?  Is it the best option?  Should Faith just be loved and cared for here until the Lord takes her home?  I am not saying she isn't worth it but you have to try to understand how awful the medical option is here. Faith and her parents will spend a huge amount of time and money at a hospital that is not a nice place.  They will have to be away from the rest of their family and from precious time of farming which feeds the family the rest of the year.  There is no easy answer here.

Please pray with us for Pastor Martin Igangu, Immaculate, baby Faith and their family.  They are trusting in their Lord the Healer and loving Faith while they have her.

Newborn baby Faith

Pastor Martin, Immaculate and Faith today

Faith was not happy about her new, heavy, cold, uncomfortable casts!
Pray she God comforts her as she gets use to the casts.

God loves you little one!
He is your Healer.

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