Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Freedom in Christ Discipleship books printed!

We are thanking God for the new publication of the Discipleship Course for rural Africa!
For about a year now Josh has been working on putting the original Freedom in Christ Discipleship Course in a way that it can be easily used in villages in Africa.  Our friend Dan helped Josh format the new book and Tanja helped design the cover.  We were able to print the books in Kampala.  The books cost 6,000ush each (about $2).  Josh will now be working on having it translated into Ateso then hopefully  other languages.   I am so proud of Josh for all his work and using his gift to further God's Kingdom.

Along with that exciting news, the church leaders from Obulle and Pingere who have been trained in Freedom in Christ have formed teaching teams and will be going to three sister churches in three different areas to teach the Discipleship Course.  We are thrilled to see those equipped going out to share!  Josh and Robert have been teaching in Pingere and Charles helps Josh with teaching in Obulle.  Josh has been so impressed with their teaching that he felt it was time to encourage them to take the message to new places.  

Praying over those going out to teach and the places they are going to.

To God be the glory as more people know and live in their freedom in Christ.
We will be in Kenya for Freedom in Christ Africa conference next week.  Pray for every ones safety, health, and an encouraging time of fellowship and teaching.  Thanks!

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