Saturday, October 22, 2016

Achia is Healthy and going Home...

You would not believe how big Achia is now!  She is now over 10kg (went in at 6kg).  She is so active and happy too.  It is amazing and an answer to prayer!  God is so loving! 

Achia walks now holding hands but because she is blind it is too scary to do alone.  She crawls and pulls herself up all by herself.  She seems to love white people and when she hears them she will go to them.  Achia was very playful and happy.  She is still very disabled though.  She is six years old and can't talk, is very small, is blind and acts like a baby.  She needs so much help that we can't get here.

Achia is suppose to go home Monday or Tuesday and we are all concerned about that.  We are still hoping God shows us the next step and how to keep Achia healthy.  There is one place in Soroti that is basically a daycare for disabled kids but as of now they are full and Achia lives too far from Soroti to get there each day.  Pray with us!  Pray for Achia's family to be ready to love and care for Achia, for Achia to do well with the transition, for the help Achia needs, and protection for her. 

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