Monday, November 7, 2016

Surprise trip to Kenya

I just want to send a quick note to fill you in. Some of you may know our fellow missionary and friend Steve Tiesinga was medically evacuated to Kenya this week because of extremely low oxygen levels.  They were not sure the cause but it become serious.  Tanya, his wife, went with him. Obviously Tanya was a bit overwhelmed by everything, so their missionary friends/family in Soroti met to decide who should go and be with Tanya and help out. Long story short, it worked best for me to go. Everyone has a role in helping - some with caring for the Tiesinga kids, some with meals, help, prayers, being really is an awesome "family" we have.

So after getting tickets to fly to Kenya and lining up a driver, I went home packed (Josh had already started for me when he was done teaching) and said goodbye to Josh and the kids. It was a whirlwind. I woke up that morning to a normal Saturday and by 2:30pm I was on my way to Kampala to fly to Kenya. The drive went well but I didn't get to the guesthouse till 11pm. On the ride I was so glad I could help and be there for Steve and Tanya but I also become very scared. What if I was the wrong one to go and be with them? What was I going to see or be a part of? Could I do this? I was very encouraged by the other missionaries and their thankfulness that I was willing to go. I kept praying knowing God was in control and He would give me what I needed. I was surprised by this sudden change of plans but God wasn't.

I flew out Sunday morning and all went very well. I arrived at the hospital just before 11am.  I was thrilled when Tanya met me and told me Steve was going to moved to a ward. Steve was in the High Dependency Unit (HDU) where they need monitoring. I sat with Steve and Tanya talking about all that has happened but still Steve would have to stop talking to keep his oxygen up. He was a little white and it was really warm up there. Soon we were moving to a very nice private air conditioned room. It was so much better. Similar to our hospitals in Michigan. Steve now has no monitor they just check every 4 hours. He is on Oxygen but it is down to 4 liters (if you know what that means). 

From what I understand, Steve has acute respiratory distressed syndrome (ARDS). They are saying it is a complication from Malaria. Steve lungs filled with fluid (Pneumonia). 

So after Steve was all settled in and eating lunch, Tanya was ready to get out and have lunch. We ended up at the mall and had a very nice time together. We even found a Cold Stone Creamy and had ice cream! I did not expect to be doing that today but it was nice and I am glad I can be here for Tanya.

We spent the evening with Steve chatting, processing... Steve color is fine now and he can talk easily. He gets very tied and out of breath when he has to get up for the bathroom. We ordered Dominos (the real deal - where are we?!) for supper then Howard and Aileen, our Freedom inChrist directors, came and took us to their home for the night. 

We had a lovely, quiet, COOL 😊 morning at Howard and Aileen's. They made pecan waffles for us. I love being with H & A. They just overflow with faith, encouragement, love and prayer.

We are now with Steve again waiting for a doctor visit and update. Everyone here have been so nice, professional and helpful. Sometimes Steve and Tanya have guilty being here and "enjoying" as he is improving, but then he gets up and is too weak and out of breath do take a shower. It is going to take time and they are going to be here a while, but he is going to be ok and we praise God for saving him and healing him. God gets all the glorying! His timing was perfect, He provided, He hears His children's prayers and He is so loving and personal. We have a great  Father! I am so thankful Steve and Tanya see this and express it too. They want God to get all the  glory.

Thanks for all your prayers. I will update as I can. The plan is to fly back to Uganda Thursday and be with my family again Friday.


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