Friday, April 28, 2017

Achia Update

 We appreciate all your prayers for Achia.  God has been at work.  He has provided a temporary home for her right now.  Our friend Lusi who works for us opened her home and heart to Achia.  Lusi was concerned for Achia’s safety so we asked her to pray about taking Achia in.  It is beautiful to see her love and care for Achia.  Others have seen how Achia is improving and now also share Lusi’s love for her.  (Lusi has agreed temporarily but has concerns about providing for her long term.)  Achia’s parents told probation and the social worker they cannot care for Achia and signed off (can’t write so they finger printed) all their rights for her.  The clan also signed off and said Achia would die in their care.  God has put a calling on Mandy’s parents’ hearts to try to adopt Achia.  Adopting in Uganda is a very long and difficult process so please pray for Dave and Mary Beute.  They are walking in obedience and faith.  We continue to see God has a plan for Achia and we can trust in Him to provide for her.  We have also been working with a couple organizations in Uganda to help us with information, physical therapy, doctors, and other care

for disabled children.  Achia has gained about 4 pounds in the last three months.  She is now almost 25 pounds (at six years old).  She is gaining strength too and we all believe she will learn to walk.  She is blind but can see some light and shadows.  Achia can hear but has never spoken.  We believe most of her disabilities come from brain damage (from Cerebral Malaria as a baby?), malnutrition, and neglect.  God has saved her life and we know it is for a purpose; He has used it to touch many people already.  

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