Monday, May 8, 2017

Our Easter Celebration

I know this blog is a bit old but I still wanted to share our meaningful Easter celebration.  For school we had a special passion week devotions each day and Luka memorized Matt. 28:1-10.  Good Friday we went to church in Apapi.  Josh gave a beautiful message.  The people were very encouraged by the fact that Simon of Cyrene was from Africa and that God chose an African to serve Him in His time of need.  Josh challenged then that God still wants to use Africans to serve the Lord.  Saturday I was able to go with Josh to teach in the prison and to do their first Lord's Supper in prison. The girls and I did a dance to Glorious Day for Easter day church service.  Always a joy to praise the Lord with my girls!  The church service was lively and worshipful.  After church we all had lunch together - posho, pork, and cabbage.  Then for evening Bible study we did an active Bible study on Christ's death and resurrection (kinda like Resurrection eggs only using bags with objects in each one to tell the story).  Easter night we had a wonderful supper with our old team and friends; Sliedrechts, Becky and Rudy, Jennifer and Karen.

It was a wonderful Easter remembering our Lord and Savior and celebrating what He has done for us.  I love hearing Emalai now continue to talk about, sing about and tell others about Jesus who died on a cross and now there is an empty tomb.  She is really starting to understand!  What  Good News we have to share with the world.  What an awesome God we serve.  He is the Savior of the world!  And He lives in me today!  

Bible study at church - group activity for Easter

Charles had the children's group

I made an Easter banner

Praise and Worship

The kids said Matt. 28:1-10 in church

Our dance in church
Our art from our passion week devotions in school

Easter lunch

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