Friday, July 7, 2017

Calvin Chr. High School Team

We were happy to welcome back the Calvin Christian High School group this year!  We had a quick, full weekend together the end of June.  We prayed for months for the Lord to prepare the group and to prepare the way.  We have seen God work in the lives of the students through this trip so we were excited to what God had planned this time.  We appreciate that the group comes to learn.  They don't come to do a project but to experience and interact.  They learn so much from the people and culture here and God teaches them through it.  The group is very generous and blesses each ministry they visit.  We are thankful for Larry and Linda Klien who invest in taking students each year to Africa and allow God to transform lives through it.  It is great to see youth for all different groups come together through a common experience.  We love having the opportunity to be with young people, open our home and lives to them, share God's heart for missions with them, and His truth.  We give God glory for all He did in this years group!  It is hard to put into words what we all experienced together.  It was a blessing to be a part of.  We were proud of the youth for interacting, learning about different and difficult things here, and being very thankful.  We know God spoke to all of us - and we pray we will never be the same again. 
Our first stop with the Calvin team was at the blind school.  The blind school is always a favorite for the team.  To see so many blind and disabled children doing so much with so much joy is a challenge and encouragement to all of us.  We visited classrooms, saw the dorms (that will make you realize all you have and to be thankful), and of course played goal ball together.  Calvin team was beat bad by the blind school team.  It was a good lesson in how it feels to be blind.  One girl said we get to take off our blindfolds but they never get to see.  How true.

Next we climbed Soroti rock together.
And we were thrilled to have our nephew Alex come on the team this year!  What a blessing to see him and experience this special time together.  Alex loves Uganda and the people here.  I know God will use him as he seeks and serves Him.

Saturday morning the boys went with Josh to the prison to see the teaching there.  The boys were impressed by the worship there and touched by Josh's message.  It was a great experience for them.
The girls went with me to Amecet - YWAM's children's shelter.  Els, the director, shared with us about the ministry.  Many stories and pictures were very difficult like malnourished children not wanted, HIV positive children dying, children saved from being sacrificed... It was difficult but so good to see and hold the children that Amecet loves and saves.
Next we went to visit the street boys ministry (TECDFO) run by Martin and Dennis.  This was very difficult to hear what has been happening to street boys in the last months.  Two boys were killed one by crushing his head between stones (only 8 years old!) and one was actually crucified!!!  It is horrifying.  This is not the terrible this people watch on movies, it is real life.  And there is no justice.  Martin and Dennis' lives were threatened when they sought justice.  The men who killed one of the boys has now gone "mad".  That is what happens when you do the Devils work - he controls your mind and destroys you.  Two boys who live on the streets shared their testimonies.  I just had to wonder what a privileged and loved teen from America thinks as they hear from an unloved teen sleeping on the streets.  I pray we are changed by learning these things and by meeting real people who are hurting and in need.  May it causes us to pray, be thankful, and help.  The group left 12 sleeping bags for the boys to sleep under the shelter in, shirts for all the boys, and a gift to help feed them.

After lunch we headed to our village with the group.  We were so excited to share our home and friends with them!  We had the youth from our church partner with the youth from Calvin.  All week the youth from Obule (including our girls) perpared for the visit.  They prepared songs and an amazing cultural dance.  I knew God was going to use this interaction in the village!
Obule youth practicing the week before the Calvin team came.

The first few hours four youth from the Calvin team went to the houses of several youth in our village.  We stressed to the Obule youth that the youth from America have never seen or done anything that you think is normal here.  We sent the group with questions to ask each other and things to do together.  The showed them their huts, where and how they cook, where they shower, how to garden, went and got water from the well...they did a great job interacting together.  They heard about the difficulties and the joys of living here.  They played games and laughed together.  And they made new friends.

I wonder if the group will think about getting water at the well each time they use water.  Water is a blessing.  Maybe the next time they take it for granted they will remember their friends who have to work hard for every drop of water they use.
After their village experience we all met back up at our home to share sodas and mundozis (local donuts). 

Josh shared with all the youth and encouraged them to work shoulder to shoulder together for the Lord.

Then the youth sang for everyone.  I kept hearing the team say things like, "they know how to praise here!"  The Obule youth worship God in singing, dance, cheering and with their whole heart.

The team ended up joining them in worship and it became a big Jesus praise party!
I was proud of the Calvin students for even dancing African style.  It was so fun!

Then the Obule youth did their cultural praise singing and dancing.

And then the Calvin team joined in!
How great to see youth from very different places be together.

Sunday the group worshiped at our church in Obule.
Everyone was glad to see each other one last time.

It was hard to say goodbye even after only a weekend together.  God was with us, at work and was glorified.  Thank you Calvin team for coming!  You blessed us, you were generous, flexible, had great attitudes, and we pray God continues to use all He showed and taught you in your lives.  Don't forget and share with others.
Love you Alex!  Thanks for coming.

Obule youth, I love you all and am so proud of you!  I am so thankful to be with you and work with you.  You bring me joy.  May the Lord continue to grow in you, keep you together, and use you for His glory.

1 comment:

  1. We always LOVE the time we spend with you and the wonderful connections & relationships we have built over the years, visiting. Experiencing life in the village is always a highlight. Our kids spending time with the youth of the church, was awesome. Watching them interact, dance, ...was a true blessing. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the planning you did to make our visit so meaningful.
    God is using your family to do great things in His name, it's obvious! God bless you!
    We love you guys,
    Larry & Linda
