Friday, August 18, 2017

Celebrating Freedom in the Prison!

This is one of those times which my words cannot describe.  Tuesday was the graduation celebration at the prison and  I wish you could have been there.  I can tell you that my heart is full of joy.  I can't stop thinking about it.  God is doing great things!  I truly have a love for my brothers in prison.  They have touched my heart with their joy, thankfulness, change, receiving God's truth, freedom they have experienced and their worship.  I am challenged by their faith in difficult circumstances.  I am encouraged as I see what God's Word does in lives.  I am humbled to have a small part in what God is doing.  And I know once again that there is NO greater joy than seeing people grow in Christ.  There is NO comparison in this world to the joy of serving the King and being in His kingdom!

So the celebration was for 29 prisoners who faithfully came to Josh's Freedom in Christ and Timothy Leadership Training on Saturdays and Tuesdays since January.  They are assigned as pastors in their wards and wanted training.  Many other prisoners came to the Saturday teaching and other joined in the Tuesday teaching but it was the 29 who attended the whole time.  Josh, Pastor Martin, Pastor Robert and I went to the graduation.  YWAM is also very active in the prison and was also invited to the celebration.  All 700 inmates were welcomed including the women's side (interesting note that several women have their young children or new born babies in prison with them).  Because it was a celebration we had loud speakers, chairs for all the honored guests, and everyone seemed excited.  We began with worship which I always enjoy in the prison.  There were lots of choirs and speeches, Josh taught his last lesson, he handed out certificates and then it ended in what I like to call a Jesus party!  Joy filled singing and dancing!  A real celebration.

One of the interesting parts of the day was hearing for the officials at the prison.  Josh has always talked very highly of them and has appreciated their desire for the church to be at work there.  The officials were very happy with Josh's teaching.  They testified that it was the church that brought change to the prison and the church does 50% of their work.  The chief official thanked Josh for being a man of principle.  When he was given 15 minutes he took 15 minutes.  I could see there was a trust and respect between Josh and the officials.  

There was also a celebration going on because the chief official was moved up in rank to the regional position.  Everyone seems to love and respect this man and they were very happy for their official.  And the day of the graduation the new chief official arrived and was part of the celebration.  It was great to hear him say the door is always open for Josh to come and teach.    

Everyone was also happy because Josh provided a bull for the celebration.  That means all 700 inmates would be eating meat and rice instead of the posho and beans they eat 364 days a year (Christmas they get meat).  This alone would make Josh the honored guest.  I had to laugh at all Josh had to buy to feed so many people:
-440 pounds of rice
-3 gallons of oil
-44 pounds of tomatoes and onions
-And about 6 pounds of spices
I am just thankful we didn't have to cook for 700 people!

The testimonies and thankfulness of the graduates moved me.  They love Josh because he brought them God's truth.  It seems many come and do evangelism, but coming faithfully each week to disciple is unique.  These men got these lessons.  They will tell you they know who they are in Christ, what forgiveness is, how to forgive and that they are forgiven, they recognize the lie and know truth and now they are free!  They learned how to preach pointing to God and grace, about stewardship, marriage and family God's way, how to be free from addictions...  They will say, "Joshua, you gave us so much and we have nothing to give you except to see our changed lives."  It is more than all the wealth of the world to see people changed by Christ.  I so understand why Paul said many times in his letters to the churches that they are his joy.  It is true.  These men, lives touched by God, are our joy.

God is really working in one of the men who graduated.  He is there for a long sentence and hasn't been honest about what he did.  He has not had one person visit him while in prison.  He asked Josh for clothes for when he appears before the judge for sentencing.  He has been in for a long time but has not yet been sentenced.  Josh did give him a pair of clothes last week but told him that he believed he hasn't been honest but wants to give him the clothes to show him what grace is - it is undeserved.  Later the man gave Josh a note admitting to what he has done.  The day of the graduation he told Josh that he now knows that it is truth that brings freedom.  Three times rain stopped him for going to be sentenced, now when he goes he know he has to speak the truth.  Josh encouraged him to share that he received Christ in prison and is ready to share the truth and take the consequence.  And to remember that God is the Judge and He has made you not guilty for eternity.  Oh, how I would love to be there so see the judges reaction to someone who would admit and speak truth (not common).  This is evidence of a life changed by God.  Isn't interesting that God, the one in control of the rain, kept this prisoner from sentencing until he learned His truth.

Another one of the graduates will be released in 24 days.  He is leader and has taken this teaching to heart.  I really believe God is going to use him and I hope we are not done working together.  

Now, I know not all lives were changed and some who have been still have a long, hard road ahead of them.  Some may fall away.  I have to remind myself often that this is still a prison.  But we still rejoice over all God has done and I believe will continue to do.  Jesus rejoiced over one lost sheep found not the many who were already safe.  

We are praying about how to minister to prisoners who get out of prison.  This is when it is very hard and they often fall.  The officials too are asking for help in this area.

I am so thankful for Josh, his gift of teaching, and his faithfulness in going each week.  He makes understanding God's truth so easy.  I am proud of him.  I am also thankful he plans to continue teaching in the prison when we return.

Today we stopped at the prison to drop off pictures and give Bibles to 8 prisoners who earned them by memorizing verses.  We decided to bring our kids to see where Dad teaches each week and what we are so often talking about.  The chief official was sitting outside under the tree (where he often is) and welcomed us.  He was so happy to meet the family we had to have a picture together.  Two of the graduates, ward pastors, were also very happy to meet our kids.  Everyone was happy to see us and really did not want Josh to leave for a few months.

So, today I sit here writing this with tears streaming down my cheeks.  They are tears of joy, thanksgiving, love and sadness as we have to say goodbye and leave for a while.  I have told myself and my children over and over the last few days it is better to love and have pain than to not love and have no tears.  I am so thankful God gave us the opportunity to love the prisoners here.  They have shown me that is it not what we wear or what we have done that identifies us, it is who Christ says I am.  It is not bars that keep us imprisoned but our sin, and it is not the world that gives us freedom but Christ is the one who sets us free.

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