Thursday, August 3, 2017


Maybe you remember Faith our friends child with Edwards Syndrome.  Last week Friday Faith died.  Faith had many disabilities and difficulties.  We helped them with her clubbed feet and she had gone to the heart doctor in Kampala several times hoping to repair the hole in her heart once she was strong enough for surgery.  I thank God that two weeks ago Grace really wanted to visit and see Faith.  We walked to their house and they were very positive about the improvements Faith has made.  She was happier, she could hold her head up, and was eating.  I am so glad we got to see Faith one last time.  Faith had a lot of breathing problems (cold like symptoms) and several times her parents were not sure she would live.  Last Thursday Faith went to bed well but by morning they were rushing her to the doctor because of her breathing.  She died on the way.  Faith was 18 months old.

We went on Friday when we heard she died.  I sat with the mother next to Faith and cried.  Emakulate (the mother) kept having to gently keep Faith's eyes closed.  It is hard here with no funeral homes and such.  It made me cry even more.  I know her death really means healing and life for her.  God saved her from so much.  But we are sad.  I can't imagine how empty her mothers arms must feel after carrying her every day for 18 months. 

I do not like funerals here.  Death is never easy but here there are hundreds of people, wailing and sometimes collapsing from grief (seem like a lot of show to an outsider), all day service with many introductions and even political speeches.  But we went because we loved Faith and we love her family.  I prayed God would use us to show His love.  Josh did a great job sharing and quietly I hoped I would get to say something.  Later they did ask both of us to come up again and I was able to share.  Well I cried and tried to share.  I thanked Martin and Emakulate for caring for and loving Faith.  Faith had many difficulties and many people here would just leave her, but you loved her.  I rejoiced that now her heart is healed with Jesus.  But we weep because we loved her.  That's what I can remember.  The answer to prayer came after the funeral when I was walking with my friend and she said I heard people talking and they were touched by what you said.  They know they do not love children like this.  And they saw that you mourn and you love us.  You are together with us.  Some say whites don't cry when someone dies but we now know.  Praise God He used my tears to show His love.

After the service the pastors, including Josh, were called to carry the little coffin to the grave.  This is always the hard part for me.  The final look, the letting go.  I can't imagine how a mother must feel.  It is so hard.  I couldn't even talk when I hugged Emakulate and when I saw Martin.  I just cried.

I am thankful for the true faith I saw in Martin and Emakulate.  They really do trust God.  They trust that it was His will that this happened.  It is in the hard times that our faith can shine.

We visited the family again a week after Faith's death.  They were tired but thankful for people visiting them each day.  It is hard to know what to say - especially crossing cultures and language.  Lydia prayed a beautiful prayer over them saying Faith was God's artwork and thanking God for using Faith's life in all of our lives.  Pray for our friends as they continue to mourn their loss.  

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