Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Videos from Obule!

This year we had the privileged of having Jim Triezenburg come to Uganda and make two videos for us.  Jim was a teammate of ours back in our Nigeria days.  It was great to catch up and to reminisce.   We also enjoyed making the videos together and capturing the footage for the scripts Josh and I wrote.
The first video we call "At Home in Obule" is about our kids lives on the mission field.  It gives you a taste of a day in our village.  People love it!  It really tells you and shows you about our lives.  I love watching it and our kids did a great job!

The second video called "Free to Serve" is about our ministry in Uganda with Freedom in Christ.  It highlights those trained in FIC and now going out to teach it.  We are so thankful for our partnership with the Ugandan Christians to spread the Gospel!  Unfortunately, I can not put this video on the blog because of the video footage from the prison.  I will work on getting it out there somehow, or you can email me for a copy for your personal viewing, or come and hear us speak at a supporting church and see the video.

Enjoy the video and a look into our lives!  Thanks Jim!
At Home in Obule

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