Thursday, February 8, 2018

Made it Home

Let the journey begin. 
The morning we left Emalai woke up with an earache and said it was popping so we were off to the doctor to hear that it was all ok.  On the way the windshield wiper totally broke in the snow store so we couldn't see and had to go get that fix.  It was a bit crazier than we wanted but it is pretty common to have "things" happen when we leave.  So in the stress we chose to know it was attacks and that God was in control.  This is why so many were praying for us!

Stop over in Holland.  We went to Harlem.
 It was really cold but I love seeing history and it's beauty. 

Grandpa & Grandma Beute journeyed with us (they are working on their adpotion of Achia)

Flying over the Alps

Over the Sahara Desert - for a long time!

All tired out!

Our friends picked us up at the airport and helped get all the luggage in - thanks guys!
We felt so loved and welcomed home!

Yes, that says 98degrees!

We are back home in Obule!  Thank you for all your prayers!  It is simply a long journey.  One week after leaving Michigan we drove almost seven hours and arrived home (we stayed a few days in the capital city with our friends - great way to adjust after jet leg).  There are many things I am thankful for and missed while we were in Michigan, but there are also things I really didn't miss and still don't like.  You can quickly forget when you are away.

What did I miss?  I love having the windows open and hearing the sounds of outdoors.  I especially like the sounds of nature at night.  I love the peacefulness of the village.  I like staying home, routine, and a quieter pace of life.  I love being in a community or neighborhood and visiting with my neighbors and friends as they go by, they stop over or we go and visit.  I even missed the local food.

What didn't I miss?  The heat.  It is not warm, it is hot!  Intense heat.  The kind you can't describe.  It hits you and can be overpowering.  Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe.  Can I say it hurts?  I guess it is a mix of the heat and dryness.  I don't know, maybe it is just how I handle heat.  It was 98 degrees in my house when we arrived.  (So, what would that be in the sun?!)  There just any escaping it.  Thankfully we have had relief at night and with clouds that have come in the later afternoons.  I love clouds!  I also did not miss the dirt and feeling dirty.  Everything is dusty and dirty here.  I don't exactly feel beautiful here.  It is also a lot more work to live here.  You have to haul water, conserve water, filter water, make food if you are going to eat, do school with the kids, drive down a terrible road to get to market or a the heat everything is harder too.

The poverty stands out to me again.  The little everyone has, the rags kids wear to play and work in, all they have to do just to have water, the shortage of food, money, and resources.  It punches you in the face compared to all we have, our excess and wealth.   It can make me feel ill.

I am thankful we are welcomed back, people are excited to see us, and we have friends here.  It is hard to see some not growing in Christ, sin, or fall away but I try to remember they are the few among the many.  I also remember I am not responsible.  God is in control and at work and each one of His children is responsible to grow in Him.  Josh met with a former prisoner who is now back home.  He met Jesus in prison and now has a fresh start with his wife and family.  He is a changed man!  Praise the Lord!  It was a very encouraging testimony.

I feel really good about being home but can quickly get overwhelmed and want to do it all and restart it all right away.  I feel out of it with everyone and everything but that too will come with time.

We did start our home school again today...the kids did great, the teacher struggled.  It is hard to start the second semester in a different curriculum with preschool, elementary, middle school and high school.  Praise be to God we got the internet to work and Lydia can do her work!  I struggle to keep up with everyone and I don't really teach.  I just hope everyone understands and learns not just get the work done.  I have to just let today - this week - be messy and give myself and the kids grace until we are back into it.

I just wanted to put a quick "this is how we are doing" update out there.  I feel like it is a jumble of thoughts but at least you know we are alive.  So many of your prayers have been answered and now you also know what else to pray for.

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