Tuesday, April 3, 2018


I love making Passion week meaningful in school.  This is our Palm Sunday reenactment. 

On Maunday Thursday to remember the Last Supper Jesus had with His disciples we had a Passover meal.

It was neat to learn the meaning behind all that is eaten at Passover.
We had communion together as Jesus taught His disciples. 

After our meal was over we went to our neighbors with the left over lamb (as talked about in the OT).
We went dressed up and told our neighbors what we were doing.  They thought it was great - or at least the free meat was :).  Walking the dirt path with my kids under the stars made the night even more real.

Josh also washed our feet as Jesus did that night.  Emalai thought it was hilarious when people were ticklish.
The whole night was so special.  Luka was looking forward to it all day and after the meal Malai said she loved being a disciple.  I am so thankful we could making the Bible come alive and be even more meaningful to all of us.
The Saturday before Easter we had a painting party at church!

I was so thankful even our pastors were there to help paint with the youth.

We ended up with almost too many to keep control.  The kids were kicked out and we were thankful for adults who came to help too.  Over all they did a beautiful job painting!  They may not have liked me being picky and neat but it paid off.  We began after ten and were done around 2pm.  Everyone worked together and cleaned up together.  It was actually fun.

We were so thankful to hear how much people loved that we had in our hearts to paint the church, the color that was chosen, and the results.  On Easter Tata Rhoda (Grandma), who was there to clean and paint, gave a testimony of thanks to God.  She and other ladies made sure benches were not touching the walls.  I am thankful they appreciate it.

Thank you everyone!
Easter was a joyous celebration at church - as it should be!
Emalai and her friends did a dance.  They did great and were so cute.
Malai seems to love to worship.  In Michigan some services she would sing her heart out even if she didn't know the words, she just sang her own.  She often lifts up her hands or makes motions to the songs.  In Obule she dances with her friends and sings with joy.  "From the lips of children You have ordained praise!"

After a wonderful choir, our church turned into a full out praise session!  I love praising God and I love the joy filled worship here.  Hallelujah, Christ is alive!  Between Sunday school before church and the service we were at church for about four and a half hour - and we love it!  I think that is why I don't like how short church services in MI are.  Then in the late afternoon we went back to church for Bible study.  It is good to be in the house of the Lord!

Hope you had a blessed Easter celebrating the hope we have in Christ!

Oh, one more thing, happy 40th birthday to Josh on April 5!  I love my husband so much! The older he gets the better it gets. Every year together is a blessing. Josh gives me and our kids an earthy example of of our Heavenly Father. I love and respect you Josh. Have a blessed 40th! May you continue to grow in the Lord this year so He can use you mightily.

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