Sunday, April 22, 2018


Welcome to Mombasa!

We were able to attend the Resonate Global Missions retreat in Mombasa, Kenya (we are partners).
We enjoying getting to meet new people and see old friends.

Shaardas and Ribbens together again (began mission work in Nigeria together and reunited last year in South Africa where they serve now).

After the retreat we had a two day family vacation.
Mombasa is interesting.  Every time you go on the beach people try to sell you something - boat rides, camel rides, crafts, clothes...  I definitely prefer to be left alone but usually if you say no they leave you alone.  I don't like being rude but...  I know everyone needs to make money.  It just isn't always relaxing to always finding the balance between kind and firm.  I did try to be intentional about sharing my faith through these interactions.  I hope I was an encouragement to the Christians I met and a witness to those not yet in Christ.   

Mombasa is unique.  The tide is extreme (depending on the moon) and when the tide is out and the water is very shallow you can walk out and see sea creature that remain behind.  The water is so warm it is almost hot at times.  It is an adventure seeing what you can find.  And yes, we are nervous and careful where you step.  "Guides" walk with you out there to navigate you around and show you creatures.  Hoping for a nice tip of course.

Grace and a sea cucumber and our guide

One afternoon we went to Fort Jesus in Old Mombasa.
We loved it.  History is amazing and it was a great home school adventure. 
The fort was built in the 15th century by the Portuguese.  

Baby Humpback whale bones - not sure why they were at the fort other than the dead whale washed up on shore near there - but they are awesome!

We walked through Old Town with our guide from the fort and loved seeing all the architecture, cultures, and history.  We saw the first pool, hotel and post office in Kenya.  Where the queen stayed and still normal everyday life there.  It was interesting.  

Swimming in the Indian Ocean

Walk on the beach...

TRYING not to get sunburn but it was hard with our white skin and intense sun.
We had to reapply sunscreen three times a day with all the swimming.

We had the privilege of going snorkeling as a family in Mombasa.  It was the kids first time and they LOVED it.  We all did!  We snorkeled in the coral gardens by the reef.  It was amazing!  I felt like I was in an aquarium.  There were all different corals, colors, and fish of every size and shape.  We all praised God as we watched His creative creation!  We saw stingray, starfish, tiny to big fish, a school of hundreds of was awesome.  We were so thankful to see another part of God's creation.

We all loved snorkeling so much we actually did it again!  What a treat!  The second time we went out further by the reef and then snorkeled in to the coral gardens.  I loved seeing even more variety.  The captain snorkeling with us showed the kids many things and stayed with them while Josh and I had a snorkeling date.  Holding hands and snorkeling - how fun!  Lydia and Josh enjoyed taking off their life jackets and driving down for a closer look.  I tried but just took in too much salt water when I got hit with a wave.

We had wonderful and beautiful meals at the hotel.  The servers were so nice and knew our kids by name.  One of the waitresses saw Luka pray before his meal and she came and thanked him.  We enjoyed getting to know some of them and encourage them in their faith.

At night we liked to walk on the beach and find sand crabs.
Luka learned how to case them so they ran by his sisters and made them run and scream.

Luka loved the entertainment each night at the hotel.

Thankful for a great trip...

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