Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Our Internet

Hi, everyone.  I have so much to share with you but our internet doesn't work more than it works lately.  It is frustrating to say the least.  I am thankful it does work, but I can barely get anything done.  Lydia does her school online and so we try not to do anything while she is on so at least she can get her school done.  It seems every time I finally get a chance to use it it doesn't work.  I have blogs I want to share with you but I want to share pictures to share the stories and it is not working.  I have been working on a blog about our time at the FIC conference in Malaysia for almost two weeks and only have eight pictures uploaded.  Do I give up?  Keep trying?  Pray?  Yes, I am asking you to pray with us that our internet struggles stop.  We really don't have other options so we pray what we have works better - today and always. 

Thanks everyone.  Hope internet works for this to go out :).  Praying there will be another blog soon!

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