Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Calvin Chr. High School Team 2018

Each year we look forward to the visit from Calvin Christian High School from Grandville, MI.
It is a quick two and a half days together but we love being a part of it and seeing how God uses it in peoples lives.
We are thankful to be able to share our lives, friends and partners and the ministries here with them.
We appreciate the Calvin Team comes to learn.  God always teaches and shows us all He is doing.

Climbing Soroti Rock
Visiting, listening and learning at TECDEFO street boys ministry.
I really appreciated this year hearing testimonies from former street boys now graduated and in Secondary School.  We could compare it to the boys now on the streets and see where they began.  It gives hope for the boys now on the streets and is a testimony of God's grace and power.

They also got to all play a game of soccer together.

Sunday the group was able to worship at our church with us

After church the youth from our church joined the Calvin youth at our house for lunch.

Then the youth from Obule and the Calvin team all split up and went to four homes of youth in our village.
They were able to learn a little bit about life as a young person here.

They went to the gardens and some learned how to harvest g-nuts (peanuts)

Roast g-nuts - and eat them!

How to pound to make paste

Going to the well and carrying water home

Winnowing and much more...
Then we had a wonderful worship service at our home all together!

Josh shared a message on who we are comes from Christ, what He did for us and who He says we are.

Monday the girls visited Amecet baby shelter while the boys went to the prison with Josh for Bible study.
One of the babies was left in a field to die.  God rescued her and gave her new Ugandan parents. 
We are thankful to hear that God has opened Ugandan's heart's hearts to adopt!

They also joined in a class at Eastern College (the High School in Obule).
It was great to see all the High Schoolers learning together and for Calvin to see they learn some of the same things in a different setting.

And we once again visited the Blind School.

Our girls even got to play goal ball this year!

Lydia and Grace love having the team come.  Hard to believe Lydia is now a High Schooler with them.  She was only about 8 years old the first time they came!  Luka enjoyed the team too and told the leaders he wants to go to Calvin Christian High School his Junior year so he can go with the team to Uganda and ride on the bus everywhere. Cute!  I am thankful they include our kids and love them.  Every year they make new friends.
Thank you Larry and Linda Klien and Joel and Kelli Boender for taking the group to Uganda!  God is using you to show many youth Himself in a different part of the world.  We know these youth will never forget and pray never be the same again.  Till next time!

(Just so you know we are in the city and this blog took all of a half hour - wow, what a difference!)

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