Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Answers to Prayers

Thank you again for praying with us.  God is answering in awesome ways!  We are so excited about what God is doing that we wanted to share with you.  May it encourage you in the power of prayer.  Oh friends, there is no greater joy than to see God work in peoples'  lives and bring new life and freedom!

I know I will not do justice in sharing everything God has done but I will try.  First of all Emuli is doing very well.  (See blog post in Sept. for the full story on Emuli.)  People see that he is now happy.  He says home is now fine.  We notice he has new clothes.  He continues to play happily by our house almost everyday and comes to church usually.  The other night he was dancing away at a marriage celebration - so great to see.  Emuli continues to come and see our pastor Charles just to sit close to him and talk with him.  We are very thankful Emuli appears to be safe and happy now.

We see God has used Emuli's situation to bring salvation to his family.  God works in ways man doesn't understand.  He works all things out for His glory!  Because of a boy with medical needs, unloved and unhappy, we were able to enter into a family and share Jesus' love.  The other week four of the children received Christ and now the older brother, cousin and neighbor all came to salvation in Jesus Christ!  

Last week the Holy Spirit was working in people's lives.  Two of these young men came to Christ on Tuesday night.  Then Thursday evening Charles and Josh went to share with these new believers and their cousin was then saved.  Some of these young men saved were very involved in witchcraft and going to the witch doctor.  They were full of fear and had charms to try to protect them.  When they came to Christ they burned them all, deleted the phone number of the witch doctor and told others involved they are a new person.  Wow!  

As the Spirit was at working, some of the youth and new believers had questions.  Charles and Josh met with them to share with them truth.  Charles also invited several of them to go through the 7 steps of freedom in Christ (a beautiful prayer time of renouncing an rejecting sin, lies, curses...and receiving and submitting to God's truth).  Friday one young man went through the steps and Saturday five more young men went through the steps.  I could just sense that this was just the beginning of God's great work.  I knew God was at work in mighty ways.  We have been praying for FIC to continue in Obule and for the steps to be used by the teachers to help people be free.  I prayed all afternoon for these guys as they worked through the steps.  (Unfortunately, we had already committed to being at a friend's graduation - but I could still pray from there).  

When we returned home from town, Lydia told us that Charles had her take pictures of the boys burning their papers (all they confessed to God) as a sign that it is forgiven and they are free.  Lydia said that the boys were very happy.  One boy bought the FIC discipleship book and the others said they will find money and buy theirs this week.  They love the book!  Later that night we walked home from a marriage with some of the boys and they opened up their hearts to us.  They were so full of thanksgiving and joy!  They loved the steps to freedom.  One of the boys had found freedom through confessing idolatry and renouncing generational sins/curses.  Another boy said every step was important and meaningful.  They all said that previously they had so much fear.  They'd had every fear but now they have peace.  One of them talked about how he use to doubt God could use him because of his sin, but now he knows he is righteous and God can use him.  One was very encouraged in his calling to teach.  He said this is the best year of my life.  And they all expressed wanting to go and serve the Lord.  They are ready to take the message anywhere.  This thrilled our hearts to hear young men talking about doing missions - God is answering our prayers and raising up workers to go into the harvest fields!  

The boys were so grateful for us and Charles and Freedom in Christ.  They said they are who they are today because of all of us.  They used to be down and they would not be in church today if it wasn't for the truth.  This community has changed and received good things.  Our coming has made a difference.  We have encouraged them.  The boys said they only wish they could appreciate us somehow.  We told them that they are our joy (3 John 1:4)!  Seeing them changed by God and now desiring to share with others is the joy.  We encouraged them to pass on the truth and freedom they have received.  We also encouraged them to live DAILY in Christ victory and freedom.  They have the tools to continue and to keep going through this process, not just this one time.  

It is really awesome because these boys have been asking us to pray for the very boys God saved this week.  They could also see that God answers prayers and is at work.  We are all empowered by this.  I really love these young men.  Seeing them grow in God is a blessing.  

All the newest believers were in church Sunday.  Charles gave a beautiful testimony of all God is doing in a family no one even wanted to visit before.  How God used one unloved boy to bring salvation to this home.  And how it is changing everything.  I should also say the previous Sunday at church another boy received Christ as his Savior and that day our pastor also led a girl to Christ. 

I find it very interesting that all this joy and victory for Jesus has been very mixed with sin, sadness and more work to be done.  Emuli was unloved and mistreated, yet because of it Jesus brought salvation to many in their home.  Young men are being set free, yet there are so many deep in witchcraft and immorality.  We stood on the path talking to those three young men Saturday listening to all God was doing in them - as group after group of youth walked by jeering, smoking, girls in tight leggings...going to party all night long where the music was.  There is so much more to be done.  People are coming to Christ and at the same time a 14 year old girl shared with me that her father raped her (she left home-forced to leave) and how her life was used in witch craft.  Horrible!!!  What evil.  How painful.  She was crying and is having nightmares.  She needs healing and freedom.

My heart is full.

I am encouraged because the last month I have been reading in John and praying according to it's truth.  In John 14:12-14, Jesus says that anyone with faith will do what He has done.  They will do even greater things!  Jesus said He will do whatever we ask for in His name - for God's glory.  We may ask for anything in His name and it will be done.  This is power!  We can pray in His name for the lost, for the nations, for all of Uganda, for marriages, for the youth, for truth, holiness...and God will do it.  It is His will and desire that we ask Him.  I confessed to God that I am not using the power God has given me, I do not always ask and believe.  I am not powerless.  I want to live in His truth, power to do great things, to ask in His name and see Him answer!  I began praying for the sin and strongholds here to be broken in Jesus name.  For a sweeping of the Holy Spirit to change lives and bring truth and empower believers.  I prayed for believers to grow in Christ, for marriages to be restored, for leaders to remain in Christ...for Jesus to rule and be Lord over all!  I prayed for His justice, righteousness, healing...  For the world to know.  For those who hate Him to come to truth and freedom.  Do the impossible God!  All for Your glory Father!

I prayed John 14:15-31.  We have been given the best and only Counselor to be with us forever.  The Spirit of Truth.  We have truth!  He lives in us, with us.  What comfort and power.  Jesus says He is in the Father and we are in Him and He in us.  Simply awesome!  The Father makes His home in us.  The Counselor will teach us all things and help us.  Jesus left us His peace.  Jesus said the evil one is here BUT he has no hold on us.  This is truth.  Again in John 16:6 and 13 the Holy Spirit is our Counselor who guides us into all truth.  We have all we need in the Holy Spirit.  Come and bring truth Holy Spirit!

John 17 and 20 also tell us that Jesus gave us truth, power and peace to do His will and work.

So all that to say thank you for praying and thanks be to God!  Continue to pray with us for the new believer, for freedom in Christ to continue to bring peace to many, for the work of the Holy Spirit, lost to be saved...God to work mightily for His glory.

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