Monday, January 7, 2019

December Celebrations!

Dec. 15 - my 40th birthday- started out normal.  My family was making me feel loved but I had a mixture of emotions - I did not want a crazy 40th anything but I also wanted to celebrate and not forget it.  We had youth group in the afternoon and it was a visiting day.  So I went with my group to visit Tata Louis.  I didn't realize anything...until I got home.

My group was the first one back from visiting and as we approached the house I could see that Josh had planned a birthday party for me!  I was so excited.  It was perfect.  All our neighbors and friends from the village here to celebrate my 40th with me!

My neighbors and cooks for the party.  I did wonder why I smelled garlic and such from Winnie's house.  My family just said they didn't know.  They were too happy I was surprised. 

My favorite Obule cooks.

Birthday meal - the youth served for us.

Josh told everyone that Proverbs asks a wife of noble character who can find?  He said he believes he has found her.

I told everyone I was so happy that I could celebrate my birthday with all of them.  They love that I have turned 40 and have been blessed with so many years.  I love that they celebrate growing older and the blessing it is!

I don't think I have ever been surprised by anything - I didn't think I even liked surprise.  I like to plan and anticipate.  Josh has never surprised me like this.  I was impressed that he planned and did it all in a week.  It was pretty good that everyone kept it from me.

 In case you are wondering I ate pasted meat and atop for my birthday (meat in a peanut butter sauce and well atop - can't explain).

So thankful for my family that loves me.

Happy 40th Birthday to me!
I felt very loved and appreciated by everyone.  I praise God people feel loved by me and can see it is God's love in me.

We then had our annual conference for UCFM (Uganda Christian Fellowship Mission) - the church we are a part of.
For three days we came together to worship, teaching, and fellowship.  The theme was "Come and see - what the Lord has done." from the shepherds in Luke 2.

What made the conference so great was that we could all be there as a family and all enjoy it.
We did some school in the morning then spent the rest of the day at church (like seven to nine hours).
The youth were very active in the conference.  They did their dance, taught the children and helped with worship and cooking.  I was very proud of them.

It was a very strange conference weather wise.  Usually it is very hot and dry, but this year we had three days of rain!  I mean all day and heavy rain which hardly ever happens.  We were all cold and there was mud everywhere.  I enjoyed it - not the mud but pretending it was a snow day and not sweating.  Luka was sure he could see his breath one night.  It was 68 degrees but it really is cold when you start about 30 degrees higher.

Children's teaching
Children saying their verse and singing

Cleaning lunch dishes

So thankful for a church we are apart of and grow in Christ with.

I love the season of Christmas.  Everyday should be filled with Christmas - the sights, sounds and smells!  Christmas in the village is one day, so I like filling my house with Christmas.  We enjoyed making cookies and other treats, Christmas crafts, having people over, and watching Christmas movies.  It is the season I love not just the day.
We went Christmas shopping in Soroti.  Luka went with Josh and counted down for two weeks.  He was so excited to buy his gifts for his family with his own money.  The girls and I went together one afternoon and had fun being creative fining   gifts in Soroti.  It is about being together.  We even found a Santa at the grocery store!
I went to our local market a couple times.  I found it to be like my Christmas market.  The one time there was a bass band playing for another event but I enjoyed it while shopping.  The market is busy with people buying Christmas clothes and food so it fits for Christmas.  But the heat I could do without.
I had my annual Christmas Tea with the ladies. 

And we had a night of worship with Christmas carols.

Christmas Eve we went for breakfast in town with Grandpa &Grandma who came to spend Christmas with us.

Christmas Eve appetizers before presents - Luka could hardly stand the wait!

G&G's first Ugandan Christmas

Christmas family photo - can we do presents now!?!

I love seeing the joy of kids at Christmas!  Our kids are thankful for the simplest presents.

Achia loved her new shaker!

Grace was so excited to give her present to Grandpa.
"Getting older just means getting better unless you are a banana."

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Day!
A big day celebrating at church.  Grace's cakes for her group.

Luka loved having Grandpa for Christmas.  He got a matching hat with Grandpas for Christmas.

Christmas time!

Emalai doing bubbles with her friends before church.

The service was full of joy and the meaning of Christmas.
The youth did their dance to "And He Shall Reign".

We did our dance to "Noel"

There were three groups assigned to do a part of the Christmas story.
A Christmas feast - rice, beef, turkey, pork and cabbage.

After eating we got out the volleyball net.  We stared out youth against the adults.  It was great to so see the pastors, dads, and moms having so much fun with their kids.  Everyone loved it.

Josh went and got everyone sodas after volleyball.  We all stayed til dark enjoying the day.  I believe we were at church ten hours.  Everyone liked being together so much they had a meeting at the end of the day and decided to do it all again on New Years.  So thankful we love being with our church family - who are our family especially at the holidays.

We celebrated Musa's birthday the day after Christmas at their house.  We brought and cake and decided to celebrate Musa's and Malai's together.
Dec. 27th Emalai turned 6!
We went swimming in the afternoon to celebrate.

Whoops!  Malai's cake slid off the plate when we were taking a picture!

She was so excited about her birthday and everything we said to her in her cards.

Happy Birthday Emalai!
We are blessed to have you in our family.  You bring joy, imagination, laughter, love, dance, singing and simplicity into our home.  This year you accepted Jesus in your heart and we rejoice with all of Heaven.  We love you and God does too!

1 comment:

  1. It was an incredible Christmas! Memories we hold dear in our hearts. The whole year, 2018, has been a blessing and we rejoice for the gift it has been. Looking to 2019 and glorify God for HIS story!
