Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Adoption Update

Thank you for your prayers as we have gone through the adoption process.  Most of you know that a few weeks ago we were chosen by a birth mom and "linked" to a baby that was scheduled to be born in July.  We were thrilled to prepare for "our" new baby boy.  Sunday morning we got a message that the birth mom was having complications, was hospitalized, and that the baby was going to be born this week.  We were blown away a bit by how quickly it was suddenly moving, but very excited to welcome him into the world.  We were informed because the birth mom wanted us to be at the hospital when it happened.  Sunday night we got a text message that she was considering changing her mind and wanted us to call her in the morning.

Monday morning about 9:30 Josh called her.  She said she had already delivered the baby and that she had decided that she would parent him.  Josh tried to express kindness toward her.  She asked if we are ok with her decosion.  Josh said, "I am not trying to manipulate you or make you fill guilty, but we are very sad.  We loved that little boy.  We love him very much."  We had given our hearts to him though we never knew him.  We are aware that he was never legally ours, but we were fully committed to him.

Yesterday we grieved.  Still are actually, but today feels a little better.  We are confused by what God is doing as so many things seemed to line up as if His hand was at work.  We just have to trust that He knows best.  

We have asked Adoption Associates to put our names back on the list for birth moms to see.  We still believe that God knows the baby who needs us as parents.

Originally we were supposed to return to Uganda in late July.  Once we were chosen for an adoption we began to make plans to stay here until November in order to finalize the adoption.  At this point, we do not know when we will be returning.  We will make those decisions next week once our emotions have a chance to process this grief a little more.

Thank you for your prayers.

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