Saturday, August 10, 2019


We arrived back home in Obule!  Thank you for praying for us across the many miles.  Hard to believe a week ago we began the journey.  After the stress of packing and the sadness of leaving, we flew to Qatar.  We had a wonderful shower, meal and 8 hours of sleep in a bed!  

It is fascinating to see another culture and country.  Even in the international airports I look around and see the nations.  I was struck this time by the way in some cultures the men wear white and the women are covered in black.  It speaks so much more than color.  I found myself praying often.  It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Oh, Jesus, may all come to truth!  

We were welcomed to Uganda Monday by our friends the Dwires.  We spent three nights at their home where we were able to rest, adjust, and get the needed supplies.  We are so thankful for good friends to help us, care for us and make our coming back such a blessing.  

When we arrived and text to our friend in Obule his response made us feel so good, "What a joy in my heart to hear that you are back!  Friends you are most welcome home."

Thursday we drove to Obule.  Everything went well on our seven hour drive.  The kids said they had butterflies in their stomach as we got closer to our home.  We did not know what to expect with our homecoming.  We arrived to our road to find the local high school and some other friends welcoming us back!  They all cheered as we drove passed and followed us home.  Other friends had gathered at the house to welcome us too.  We felt loved.  After lots of hugs and welcome backs, the high school students sang for us.  Micheal (FIC leader from Pingere) prayed, thanking God for watching over us.  For the next hour we enjoyed greetings and reconnecting.  Slowly our friend graciously left so we could rest.  We were so thankful to be home!

We are now settling back in and look forward to reconnecting with everyone and everything.  There is a lot to restart and some frustrations, but overall things are well.  We have been blessed with cool temperatures, clouds, and some rain too.  It is SO nice!  One less thing to have to adjust to.  Everything is green and growing.  What a blessing.  We love being in our home, back in our beds, and even look forward to starting school Monday.  

Although we haven't sat down and caught up with everyone yet, we are thankful that everyone is well.  It sounds like the Freedom in Christ ministries - teaching in villages, radio, prison... is going very well and God continues to work in peoples' lives.  Just in the prison alone two Muslims came to Christ!   Because of a lock down in prison the last two weeks, 300 inmates, have come to the Bible study to hear Charles teach.  We are so thankful God has kept everyone and is at work here.

Thank you for your prayers.  God has been faithful in keeping us and helping us.  Everyone here sends their greeting to you.  We will be in touch soon!

Hello from Qatar!

Our drive to Obule.
Our welcome back!

The high school sang to welcome us back.

Thankful to be with our friends again.

Thankful to be home!

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