Thursday, October 31, 2019


Our friends, Isaac and Betty, lost their youngest child Betty this month.  Baby Betty (I will call her that so you know it is the child and not the mother) was five years old and severely disabled.  She was a twin, but the other baby was born dead.  Baby Betty had hydrocephalus at birth and went to Cure Children's Hospital in Mbale for help.  She never learned to sit up, talk or do anything herself.  Her mother and siblings's constant love and care was a testimony to many people here.  Disabled kids are seen as useless even a curse and often kept in a hut all their lives.  I am the first to admit disabilities here are extremely hard and there are no resources to help the family.  You do everything.  So to see this kind of love in Betty and Isaac's family is to see the love of God.

It was a very sad day burying Baby Betty.  She was precious in her own unique way.  It was a hard day for Betty and the kids.  Their tears were real.  I was glad we could be there for them, give a hug and cry together. 

Pray for the family as they continue to find comfort in God.  I saw Betty today and she said it is a difficult thing to loose someone.  However, Betty is a women of faith.  She faithfully teaches Freedom in Christ weekly in her community and in the prison.  Because of Baby Betty's needs Betty could not do all the teaching she wanted to do and even had to give up her fishing business.  I believe God is now releasing her to even more ministry.  Betty is going to do even greater things for God's kingdom!

Mandy and Betty (on another day)

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