Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fun School Days!

Overall we love our home school, Africa Adventure Christian Academy (AACA), but sometimes we have to spice things up and have some fun in the mist of all the school work.  So we have been having some fun Fridays and last week Grace and her classmates put together a spirit week for us.  Here are some photos to include you in our fun.

The girls and I made fall shirts for Fall Friday!

We made pumpkin donut holes and hot cider for Fall Friday - yummy!

Fall Bingo

Football Friday!

Spirit week began with "Future You".
I was Grandma, Lydia was a English teacher, Grace was a photographer, Luka a pilot and Malai was a gymnast.

Tuesday was "Delicious Diner", including a cook off.  Each student had to create their own dish with noodles.

Malai and I made Texi Mexi noodles, Luka won with his chicken vegetable noodles, Grace made lemony garlic noodles, and Lydia's were Bangkok beetroot noodles. 

This was "Hobby Day".
Luka - soccer, Grace - artist, Lydia - dance, me - parties, Malai - playing waitress/cook...

And "All Seasons Day"
We ended our Spirit week with "Game Day".  Lots of games and lots of fun!  I am thankful for our school, the creative memories we make and great students to do it with.


  1. How fun! Amazing what you come up with! You all look great!

  2. You have a wonderful school!Achia would like to enroll. She promised to be good, just a little noisey.
