Sunday, January 5, 2020

Emalai's 7th Birthday!

Dec. 27, 2019
Happy 7th Birthday Emalai!  (Birthday flowers from her friends!)
You are a joy to our family and everyone who knows you.  You fill our home with laughter, Ateso singing and dancing, playfulness, and love.  You are kind and sensitive.  You love your friends and living in the village just like them.  You are doing a great job  learning to read, spell and doing mathematics in school.  Your love and faith in Jesus is precious.  You told me you want to be a disciple when you grow up so you can follow Jesus and share Him with others.  You already are!  May the Lord bless you and keep you.  You are loved and we thank GOd for you!
Malai reading her birthday cards by herself!

Everyone is excited about her present!
First dangly earring from her sister!

Grace, our decorator, using her new Christmas present to make birthday cupcakes.

Emalai wanted her friends over for her birthday.  They celebrated with games and cupcakes.  Our neighbors and some of her best friends came for supper.  Malai wanted local food - chicken, rice and chapatis.

Happy Birthday Emalai!  We love you!


  1. Love these pictures! You are so worth celebrating each and everyday! Love you!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday, Emalai! Love those candles you blew out!!!
