Sunday, May 10, 2020

Pictures from Michigan

Just a few pictures from the lockdown in Michigan.  I can't share many because we cannot yet post pictures of our precious baby Makai.  (Soon, I hope!)  When we aren't doing homeschool or playing family games, we try to get out and enjoy the beauty of Michigan.  It hasn't always been warm enough but we take advantage of the sunny days.  Keeps us sane in the midst of hard times.

Thanks to friends at church getting us bikes, we have enjoyed a few family bike rides. 

It is tulip time in Holland, MI. Since the festival is cancelled this year we can enjoy the attractions and beauty for free.

Wild flowers on a walk with cousins.

Using lots of imagination playing at home.  Luka and Emalai went hunting.
We've been to Lake Michigan a couple times to look for rocks and take a walk.

Day in the wood.

A couple snowy days back in April - Beautiful but Brrr!
Luka and his dad got a turkey in April!

The kids make a craft/art/play/sometimes school room downstairs.
Luka made the fort and the fish aquarium on the wall.
More tulips!


Our kids helped Grandpa spread mulch the other day.  It was their first time ever mulching and they thought it was great.  Lydia said, "Mom, take a picture of us African kids doing something so American!"  (Oops, I didn't even take that picture! :) )

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