Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Finally Pictures of Makai!!!

After a four month delay we finally got the termination and placement from the courts!  Which means we are moving on in the adoption process and we get to show pictures of our baby!  So here is one BIG blog of pictures.  Finally introducing...
Makai Samuel Lee
Born February 16, 2020
Makai is the Ateso name in Uganda in 1 Kings 22 for the prophet Micaiah. 
The prophet who speak truth when 450 prophets spoke lies.
Samuel is because we asked the Lord for him (1 Samuel 1:27).
Lee after his Grandpa Beute.

We met Makai and took him home Feb. 19.

The first time Makai looked at us he just quietly and intently studied us.  It was precious.  He still does it today.  Each new person he meets he studies them before he smiles at them.

First look at Makai!

In love with our new baby brother!

Makai is 3 months old!

Makai and his cousin Josie

There is a snap shot of almost six months of Makai's life - he'll be six months the end of this week!  We thank God for him everyday!  He is a sweet, content, loving baby.  We all adore him!  He fills our lives with joy.  Sometimes when I am holding him I tear up thinking of the miracle he is and how precious he is to me.  

Makai loves touch and to touch us.  He holds our finger while he has his bottle or touches our face.  By the way he loves his bottle!  He wants to eat our food when we eat - especially the cone of our ice cream cone!  He rolls, sits, plays with toys and best of all is his laugh.  He is funny because he often grunts and growls when he talks.  He can be very serious but once he knows you he is very smilely.  He loves his sisters and brother.  I am thankful for all the help I have taking care of Makai!  He is a good baby.  He sleeps all night - most nights.  He has been many places now and takes lots of walks with us.  He loves being in the carrier.  Overall he is an easy going baby which is perfect for the last born.  He has grown and changed so fast so we are trying to take it all in and treasure each day with him.

Thank you for celebrating Makai with us!  We are privileged to be chosen to be Makai's family.  We hope to finalize the adoption in the next month or two, then we can get his birth certificate and then work on getting him a passport.  For now we are just loving our sweet baby!  Thanks for all your prayers in the adoption process.

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