Wednesday, May 12, 2021

A Whole Lot!

Makai was baptized May 9!  He looked so handsome!  

So thankful for God's covenant promises to His children!  


Josh had the privilege of baptizing his son!

Makai and Josephine were baptized together.

Thankful for family and friends who celebrate with us God's great love for us and our children.

What a gift to share this special day with Sliedrechts!

Our Spring Break trip to West Virginia and Williamsburg
We loved our first time to West Virginia.  The whole state was mountains!  We spent the weekend around New River Gorge the newest National Park.  It was beautiful with fun rocks and waterfalls everywhere.

We had a wonderful Easter service at Calvary Assemblies of God in Beckley!  It was so welcoming, meaningful worship and truth filled teaching.  It fed my soul and I was bawling.  What a joy to celebrate our risen Savior with the body of Christ in West Virginia!

The teens loved exporting Thurman an old railroad town.

Sandstone falls

Exploring Lost World Caves - on Josh's birthday!
Caves are simply amazing!  God is so creative and awesome!

Williamsburg, Virginia

Makai did so good in his hours of stroller time and carseat rides.

The Capital building

Streets and streets of history...

Makai just started walking before Spring break!

Howard and Aileen, our Africa FIC directors and friends, came to Williamsburg to be with us!

Monument of the end of the Revolutionary War in Yorktown.


Jamestown settlement
It reminded us so much of England.

Jamestown landing

College of William and Mary

Hours of driving...

We had a memorable family vacation together!

The girls and I danced at the Good Friday service at Jamestown and the Maunday Thursday service at Georgetown.

Josh and his beautiful daughter at a wedding of our missionary friends.

Grace was in a play for her high school.  We are so proud of her!

Luka did wrestling this year.  He learned a lot, loved being on the team and had fun. 
Way to go Luka!

    I want to share one last thing.  God has been speaking to us the last couple months in unique ways.  When we were worshiping at a church in Tennessee a couple came up to us and said they had a work from God to our family.  They shared that God wanted us to know that a new chapter in our lives was coming but we don't have to be afraid.  The last chapter in our lives was great but the next is going to be even greater.  The author is the same, God, so we can't have to fear.  The main characters will be the same but there will be new people too.  As I listened, I cried.  God was speaking to us.  It was so personal, real, encouraging, hopeful... I hold onto it and wait. 
    Another time after church a friend said she wanted to share something with me.  She said she doesn't usually get images but every time she prays for our family she sees our home in Uganda and a beautiful glass covering over it protecting it.  There are arrows attacking our home but the glass is protecting us.  But there is one gap/hole in the glass where the arrows are entering.  She felt it meant we need to keep praying and not let our guard down.  The is a hole that the enemy is using to attack.  So keep praying.
I have now heard that message from God several time.  Keep praying the battle isn't over yet.   

1 comment:

  1. So neat to see Lydia’s style with incorporating African material into her style. It fits with the whole outfit perfectly and yet shows her love of Africa
