Friday, September 17, 2021

My Parents 5oth Anniversary

 My parents, Dave and Mary Beute, celebrated 50 years of marriage Aug. 20, 2021!  That is worth celebrating!  I am so thankful for parents who are faithful to the covenant of marriage.  We are all blessed because of it.  We thank God for being with them through everything.  My parents were married when they were 19 years old.  They had four kids in 6 years thinking they would being enjoy empty nesters at a young age.  BUT God had other plans!  Dad and Mom had three years in their 50 years of marriage with no child in their house.  They have 10 children - six of whom are adopted - and currently have one special needs child at home who they adopted in their retirement.  They never imagined needing a babysitter for their 50th anniversary!  Dad and Mom have 28 grandchildren and one more on the way!  They love each one of us uniquely and give us their support and grace.

We all came together to celebrate Dad and Mom's 50th Aug. 27 and 28.  We went mini golfing as a family where Dad and Mom had their first date 52 years ago.  The next day we had a family picture, supper and time of sharing followed by an open house for with Dad and Mom's friends and family.  It was a very special night with both tears and laughter.  It is good to remember and celebrate.  Marriage is to honored and that is what we did with Dad and Mom. Congratulations!


Saying their vows from 50 years ago

Grace in one of the bridesmaid dresses from my parent's wedding!

My siblings who were there

My sisters and sister-in-laws

The Big Beute Family!

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