Thursday, November 11, 2021

A New Season

Enjoying Fall time in Michigan

Luka played 7th grade football for the first time.
He did a great job and we had fun watching him.
We are most proud of Luka for of all the compliments we got from other parents about his character and positive leadership.

Makai does everything Luka does.  Luka taught him "down, set, hut" which Makai does all the time.

Grace turned 16 on October 11!

She liked her birthday Converse! 

So very thankful for our kids!

Life with teenagers...

And life with a toddler...
We have a child in every category: college, high school, middles school, elementary and at home.

Fall camping - in the cold and rain!

It is just beautiful everywhere!

Josh has been doing the FIC Discipleship Course every Sunday night at East Martin CRC.
We have enjoyed being a part of their church and getting to know them.

We spent 3 hours doing the steps of freedom together.
Thank God we are forgiven and free!

We praise God for the testimonies of His work in peoples lives!
"I am 81 years old and no one has ever gone through this with me until now, thank you."
"I have joy.  I different joy than I've ever had before."
"It is freeing to write it down and be done with it." 
"It was powerful to see all our papers burn (sins confessed)."
"I now know life is worth living again."

I am gong to use this picture to thank God for the way He is speaking in my life.  I have been going to Impact Bible study at Res Life, meeting with a mentor I met at my Thrive conference, went to Kairos conference at Res Life, attending the FIC Discipleship Course, continue to read God's Word daily...and through it all God has brought me back to worship and praise even in the struggle, He has allowed me to cry in His presence, claim again by faith all that we because of Him, to believe the healing and victory, to rest in the unknow and uncertainty because I trust Him, He loves me and that is all I need to know right now.  Oh there is so much more!  My heart is overwhelmed with Him!  I am so thankful for God's people who have faith, worship, hear Him, know and claim His Word...It has been life to me.

And then we got snow Nov. 12!

And Josh finally got a trophy buck!
He loves hunting - being alone in the sanctuary of the woods.  He was going to go to Southern Ohio but had a 9 point on his trail camera in Lake City and his dad saw a 9 point there too so he decided to stay in Michigan to hunt.  I read Genesis 10:9 Wednesday morning and sent it to him praying he would be greatly rewarded.  He got his 9 point 11:50 on Nov. 12.  The buck ran out suddenly stopped and that was that.  We are so happy for him!

My Dad turned 70!!!  Happy Birthday Dad!

I just had to add this sweet picture of Makai who sat waiting for this blanket to dry in the dryer!

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