Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Message on Suffering

I want to share this message on suffering from Pastor Gomes whose month old son died two weeks ago.  Each one of us suffers in different ways, but God can use it in similar ways.  I was encouraged by this message because God spoke to me the same way He spoke to Pastor Gomes.  I feel affirmed because I heard God in our suffering and have grown to know God more intimiately.    

If God is Good and Just, Why do we Suffer?

1) I don't know.  God doesn't owe us an answer.  He wants us to trust Him.  I don't know but I know God.  We don't have all the answers but we don't need all the answers, we have a good God.  He is enough.

2) Suffering is one of the best ways to mature our faith.  Job 42:5 I have heard of You, but now I have seen You.  I know and experience God through hard times.  From information about God, to intimate relationship with God.  If I avoid suffering, I will miss the transformation.

3)  Hope.  God will make all things right.  Suffering will end.  God is renewing, restoring, and rewarding all things.  Jesus took all our suffering upon Him.  He is a personal Savior, God with us.  We don't understand because we only have a little piece of the puzzle but God has the whole puzzle figured out and put together.  He is not out of control, He is fixing the world one person at a time.

I think I would add one more, we have an enemy who hates us and wants to kill, steal and destroy.  The result of sin is suffering.  It is not God's will was never that there was sin, suffering, sickness, pain and death.  It is because the enemy lies and the fall.  That is why God came to save us from sin!  And that is why He is coming again for the final victory!  Thank you God.


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