Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Bible Study

I want to share about two Bible studies that God uses in my life this year.  Below is a testimony I shared at the last ResLife Impact Bible study for this year.  

I also started going to a second Bible study in January called Heart 2 Heart Moms.  I was invited by someone at Impact and decided to give it a try.  I was so blessed by H2H Moms!  The mentor moms are so loving, encouraging and welcoming.  They asked me to speak on day and I shared my testimony.  Then they asked me to speak again on spiritual warfare in our homes.  I was so excited, nervous too, but felt God was open the door for me to speak.  It was empowering.  So thankful for the opportunity.  I felt valued and appreciated at H2H Moms.  It was a huge encouragement.  It was clear God was at work through our group of moms and after my testimony three others gave their testimonies.  The ladies were being real, open, and shared what they have never shared with others.  Through this, we grew close.  Sharing our pain and how God was at work allowed others to share.  Beautiful.  We also toured Life International and Omega House together.  A powerful, heavy, eye opening and hope filled experience.  I was proud of these ladies.  At our last Bible study of the year they asked my to lead the discussion on our tour.  I was honored.  I will miss these women God put in my life.  I know God used them to love on me and encouraged me to be used by Him right here, right now.  Grateful. 

Testimony from Impact:

I came to Impact desperate to hear from Jesus.  My family and I are missionaries with Freedom in Christ in Uganda.  We have served in Africa for over 20 years now, but the last two years we have lived in Michigan facing the hardest battle of our lives.

Our daughter is struggling with a mental health sickness.  I was weary.  I wanted God to tell me why and when will it end and we can go back to Uganda.  My faith was struggling.  I knew who God was but wasn’t seeing Him at work in our situation.

Fall of 2021 I felt led to go to a new Bible Study and try something new.  I needed to be fed and I wanted to grow in new ways.  God led me to Impact through a friend.  I came broken.  I cried through every worship time.  I bathed in God’s presence and It was so good.  Every song seemed to speak the words I needed.  The teaching confirmed everything I knew is true and gave me courage to keep believing and claiming it.  I met people who allowed me to share my brokenness and spoke God’s Word into my life.  I was beginning to heal.

Three things God spoke to me and taught me through Impact:

1)      I can praise Him still in the storm – better yet I am to praise Him in the storm.  I found healing in worshipping God while I cried – not waiting for the end of the tears and hardship but in them.  It was a step of faith and trust in God.  He is still good, even when all is not good.  There is power in our praise.  Things change – I change – when I choose to worship Him.  I learned to surrender – the battle is His – I am to be still and praise Him.  It felt impossible to praise God in my situation, but it was when I thanked God that I saw hope, found joy, and victory was won in my heart.

2)      At Impact I was surrounded by people of faith and it renewed my faith even taking it to the next level.  I was inspired by people who didn’t only believe what God says but claimed it, acted on it and spoke it.  I love that God speaks to you and you speak it over one another.  I would come to Impact hoping God would speak to me through one of you.  My weary soul was encouraged to preserve with confidence.

3)      The summer before I began Impact God spoke to me gently and said, “Stop coming to me with all your questions and just come to Me wanting Me.  I am enough.”  When I came to Impact this message continued to be spoken.  I may never get my answers and I had to surrender to God even if my daughter didn’t get well or we don’t go back on the mission field.  It was through these times at Impact that instead of wrestling with God I received and trusted Him, You are all I need, enough.  Though this I was healing and growing.  And as I became well God began to use me again and use me here in Michigan.

I want to thank all of you at Impact.  One of my fears the past two years was that it was all a waste of time, but God showed me nothing is wasted by Him.  He led my broken heart here and restored my soul.  Thank you Impact for impacting me.


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