Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Youth Conference 2022

Every August our church (UCFM) has a youth conference.  This year it was in Obule again.  Our family looks forward to this conference each year.  We enjoying being a part of this and be together with our church family.

I remember when Lydia was our only youth and now we have three!

Josh was one of the teachers.  The theme was Pressing on Toward the Goal from Phil. 3:14.

There were youth from at least 4 church districts.  Each church had time for choirs.

Lydia and Grace made a dance to Back Seat Driver by Toby Mac

Maize porridge for breakfast

Or buy a mandazi (donut hole).


We wanted the youth to not only sit and be taught but have fun together, so one day we did volleyball and the next day we made the inside of the church a big gaga ball pit.

Sorting beans for lunch

Posho (made from maize flour) to go with beans.  Hard work feeding 200 people.

Emalai loves being with everyone and helping out in the kitchen!

Praise and Worship!

We were delighted our FIC teachers invited our friend Dennis to the conference.  Dennis is a former inmate who went through FIC in prison.  He loves to worship!

The youth conference was a real encouragement to my spirit.  I was finally feeling well and being with our church family to do the conference helped take away my discouragement and remind me why I love it here.  I am so proud of my kids and thankful they have friends here and are involved with them, even leaders in the youth group.  Our teens were at conference each day from 9am to 9pm.  Emalai would have been if we let her!  As it was, our whole family was there most of the day.  Sharing meals, learning, playing, fellowship...it was good until I got sick again.  Actually, Luka, Makai and I were all sick and missed the second day of conference and the rest of the week we were down.  I was so discouraged!  I finally felt good, had something on the calendar to do, was encouraged to be with everyone and then I was back in bed sick.  I had a crying party for myself.  Makai ended up having a rash after a few days of fever, Luka bounced back after a day in bed, and I SLOWLY improved.  Thankfully day we are all well and back with the people that bring us joy.

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