Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Pictures from Obule

 I have been writing a post for a week (or so) but it haven't been able to finish it, so in the mean time I thought I'd share a few pictures.  A glimpse of our lives here and what we've been up to...

Put the swing up for Makai to enjoy.
No playgrounds around so this will have to do.

Emalai is always carrying something on her head!
She loves village life.  Now Makai is following her lead.  The other day he walked to the borehole and came back with a small jug of water on his head!

This is where I found Makai the other day, dancing on the table to music. (:

Sometimes we don't know what we are getting into.  Grace's friend wanted us to come to his farewell from secondary school.  It was kinda like prom and we soon became the foreign superstars.  You just gotta laugh sometimes!  We took pictures with our friends and soon had many others joining our picture and wanting a picture with us.  Luka loved it and would have stayed to be in all the pictures with them.  The boy knows how to have fun!

Grace enjoys decorating cakes and was asked to make one for a friend's birthday.
Unfortunately, our bumpy pothole filled road cracked the cake and the heat melted the frosting.
Emalai and her friends made dolls from a part of a banana tree and scraps of material.
So cute!

It isn't fall here but we are still celebrating!
Homemade pumpkin doughnuts - yum! 

Playing market together.
Funny thing, whenever we say we are going to market Makai will quickly say, "No don't like when they touch my hair."  Guess people here touch his soft, black hair too many times for his liking.

Makai, Luka and Josh have been throwing the football around.
Makai know what he is doing.  He loves to drop kick or kick the football from a stand.

Makai worshipping in church

He joined some ones choir last Sunday.  People loved it as he danced to their song!

And sometimes Makai doesn't love church and just needs his daddy.

Too loud!

We have been greeting people and Makai was helping our friend sew with her peddle machine.

Makai is so funny.  When it stinks or he toots he say, "Plug your nose Daddy!"

Our homeschool, Africa Adventure Christian Academy, had a spirit week thanks to Emalai's organizing.
This was school spirit day.

Sports day - water balloons, gaga ball, and Frisbee golf

Art and Music Day

Fall Fest Day

October 11 we celebrated Grace's 17th birthday!!!
Grace is fun loving and brings laughter to our home.  We love her singing and dancing, art, love for kids, style, photography and modeling.  We are proud of her for perseverance through hard things.  We love you Grace and God loves you too!

Birthday confetti poppers is now a birthday tradition.

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